Diary Entry Three: My Sister

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Today I found out that my sister thought straight white people were oppressed. Normally, if it was just an uneducated stranger, I would just ignore it, or if I was in a particularly debate-y mood, I would destroy them with facts and statistics until they felt two feet tall.

But it was from my sister. Who knows that I'm a part of the lgbtq+ community, and takes these types of issues more personally than others, since I've had to deal with it myself. She knows that I'm an avid warrior for social justice and human right, but she said it anyways.

Her argument was that she had answered a question in a TikTok comment section:

Q:What's your sexual orientation?
Her A: I'm straight.

And one of the replies was "Eww lol".

Yeah. That was the basis of her whole argument. That was how she thought she was 'oppressed'.

It just made me so angry. We literally live in a Heteronormative society. It is the standard.

There is a difference between an lgbtq member fighting back and breaking societal standards and BULLYING a straight person, because of their years of mistreatment. Because that's what it is. Bullying. Not oppression.

Are you scared to come out to your family because of a fear of being called a slur, or getting mistreated, or basically just not being excepted for who you are?


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