The Freckle Under Your Eyebrow

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You said I never listen.
That I don't pay enough attention.

I don't remember your birthday,
I don't even remember my own,
I don't remember what I ate for breakfast,
I don't remember what my mother said to me this morning,

but I remember the important things.

I remember the way you reacted when I laughed at your jokes,
I remember the curls of your hair,
I remember your voice,
I remember the perfect curve of your cupid's bow,
I remember how you felt towards certain people,
I remember the foods you didn't like,
I remember every moment we spent together,
And I remember the freckle under your eyebrow.

I remember how I felt when I saw you with them,
I remember the feeling of the mascara running down my cheeks and stinging my eyes,
I remember how your smile curved differently when you were with them,
And I remember how much it hurt.

I hope they remember you the way I do.

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