The Oldest Sibling

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Me: gets straight A's, never asks for help, struggling with depression and anxiety, yet keeps pushing anyways, causing my mental health to plummet (I love having high-functioning disorders so much) always watches my younger siblings, balances extra curricular activities onto my already packed and extremely stressful schedule, is the perfect child, makes sure my younger brother is fed, and basically tries to make my parents life as easy as possible.

My parents:
"Why can't you just be nice"
"You're a brat"
"You're helpless"
"You never help with anything"
"Oh right, because we never do anything for you"
"You can't do anything right"
"Stop talking back"
"Do you ever do anything"
"Stop being so lazy all the time"
"You're being dramatic"
"Do you know how much we do for you?"
"Stop being so ungrateful"
"I'm always on your side"
"You can tell me anything"
"I'm the parent"
"You have to follow what I say blindly"
"You're the child"
"Just stop"
"She's younger"
"You're supposed to be the older one, act like it"
"You're so weird"
"You're worthless"
"I hate you"
"You're a freaking brat"
"Nobody likes you"
"Just let her use it"
"I can go through your phone if I want"
"Act your age"
"Be better"

I'll never be good enough.
I can try and try, but my actions are worthless.
They ignore my efforts,
They ignore my successes,
They ignore my struggle,
They ignore me.

Paying for therapy is not enough if you don't fix the reason why.

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