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Are you lightning or are you sunlight?

See, it can be hard to tell.
Lightning, though it can give you the illusion of light, is just for a split second.
Lighting brings rain and storms, which I've grown very fond of, but it always ends, and is followed by a horrid crash.
A loud boom that can be heard for miles.
A sound that, no matter how much I loved the storm, makes me doubt if it was even worth it, just for it to end so suddenly.

Sunlight, thought, is everlasting.
At least for my lifetime, anyway.
It brings warmth and smiles and even when you can't see it, you know it's there.
Sunlight brings the day, and yes, it is followed by night, but the night brings more fondness for the days you do get to spend in the sun.

I hope that you are my sunlight.

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