What I Didn't Do

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I can't anymore.
The pressure is crushing me.
Soul, mind, body.
I try not to crack as I bear the weight of a thousand expectations.

"Hmm, a B? That's not like you!"


Add it to the growing pile that's building in my shoulders.

"Did you even practice? You were supposed to have this movement under your fingers by now!"


"I expect you to get at least a 98 in my class, as I've seen your test scores"


They start to blur together as the weight starts to take a toll on me.

I grow even more tired every second.

I lose more and more motivation with every step.

I wish I could just lay down and breath for a moment without the weight of thousands of words sitting on my shoulders.

Trying to balance them, even when it means crushing myself in the process.

I should have run before it got to this point.

Used my voice to express my stress before I was buried by the words of others.

But I didn't.

I took their words, letting each wash over me and get thrown onto the pile.

The pile that I'll never live up to.

The pile of words that will haunt me until the day I finally drop them all and they break.

And when they break, so do I.

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