Chapter 10

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Harry was face timing them through iPad whereas Louis brought the cake into the room.

Emily groggily woke up. It was 12 am and 12th of January 2016. Her 13th birthday.

"Thank you Dad, Papa!! How's things in L.A.?"
"Goin good. Writing some new songs..."
"C'mon now. Lets cut your cake"

She nodded as she sat in bed and cut her chocolate cake along with her dad. She was about to grab herself a piece when her cellphone rang.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!! Gonna give you your gift at school tomorrow"
"Sure.. I'll talk to you tomorrow, my Uncle is calling" she hung up as she pressed the green button and answered her Uncle Zayn's call.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE ZAYN!! Also, you remembered" she said putting a hand on her chest.
"Em, I left the band, I didn't leave you. You'll always be my favorite niece. Happy birthday. Your gift will reach your doorstep by 10 am. Its the book you had been searching for"
"I have a few friends in the writing field. Its a signed copy by the way"
"Your welcome. Sleep now. You have school in the morning"
"Good night uncle Zayn"
"Good night Em" Zayn hung up and she looked at her Dad.

"Papa hung up?"
"Yeah. He's still angry with me."
"What happened Dad? That night? What happened that Papa is so angry yet sad at the same time"

Louis remained silent. He sighed before getting up and giving Emily a kiss on her cheeks.

"Don't you worry about it. Its nothing. Now sleep. You have school in the morning. If you don't go, Daisy will murder you" he smiled at his daughter before leaving the room and going to his own empty one.

Things were very different now. Her uncle Zayn left the band and that meant that meeting him was on rare occasions. But they made sure to check up on each other and see each other whenever the other one was free.

Soon after her Uncle Z leaving, the band announced its hiatus. The former was hard enough and now the latter hit harder. She had got quieter in person. Though she pretended to be her old bubbly and chirpy self, she felt emptier.

Once the band announced its hiatus, things between Louis and Harry got tensed. Almost every week they picked up a fight. The media portrayal of Harry and Louis got to their nerves now. They couldn't bear to see the other one with someone else but they had absolutely no choice.

Emily was sleeping one night when her papa came into her room, gave her kiss on the forehead and left. He went to L.A and called her the next day. Even though he told her that it was so that the media wouldn't suspect them and that he had to work on his solo album, she knew that something big had happened between her dad and papa.

Ever since her Nana Jo died, her dad had been distant from her and her papa. Her papa tried to call her every chance he got. But the family was falling apart.

She was broken when her Nana Jo died. She knew it was going to happen but not so soon. She tried her best to cheer up her dad but he had isolated himself.

For now, the only person who was there for her physically and mentally was her bestfriend Daisy. Daisy knew everything about her parents, the management, and her adoption. She didn't mind though. She thought it was cute that she had two dads. Just like Emily was excited when she first got to know she was going to have two dads.

That morning when she woke up, she felt extra tired and her back hurt. She scrunched her eyebrows to the sun that peeked through her windows. She pushed away her blankets and got up. She turned around to look for her phone when her eyes widened at the scene.

Emily || Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now