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***A.N. please read.
I originally made this story about Draco and Fred. But I changed it to Fred and Grant (view character chapter for reference). It will be an enemies to lovers story. Draco will still kinda have a big part in it. Sorry  for the change but it is so much better this way. But I hope you like it lol❤️

"Dear, the train will be leaving soon. You mustn't miss it"

"Mother you made me pack too much, I don't need all of this"

I have always been hiding. Whether it's from the evil of the world or from who I really was.

But I told myself I wasn't going to hide this year.

No one knew me. Just my mother. I want to face it all this year.

My name is Amara Crest and my parents are death eaters. They expect me to be put in slitherin and have my life together by the time I graduate from hogwarts. I don't agree with what they think of muggleborn wizards nor did I agree with who they thought I must become.

But I was most certainly not being put in Slytherin.

As I sat on the train alone I wonder how the other kids would think of me. I wouldn't blame them for bullying someone who decided to transfer to hogwarts during 6th year.

I came from a private school in Scotland. My parents sent me there to be safe and get away from their work. But I have extraordinary powers that were unfit for that school and finally gave into going to hogwarts.

I was terrified.

Petrified even.

What would they think of me. I don't know why I cared so much of what others thought of me but I did. And I always think the worst.

As I sat alone in my seat looking out onto the beautiful mountains and the rainy sky as I hear a faint voice call me.

"Amara Crest" said a woman's voice. She sounded no more then 16.

"Is there an Amara Crest on board" they call out again.

I stood and raised my hand as a beautiful curly haired girl walked over to me.

She sat down across me and held out her hand.

"I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger. I was wondering is you would want to come sit with me and my friends"

"Oh umm sure I guess"

"Perfect follow me" I watched her stand up as I followed quickly behind her into a booth that sat a blond and a ginger girl who both looked at me with a welcoming smile.

"Why you are gorgeous"said the blond.

"Oh you really are. Mione where did you find her again" said the red head.


"I'm Amara Crest. I transferred from Scotland. And you are..

"Oh I apologize I'm Ginny Weasly and this is Luna Lovegood"

"We saw you were sitting alone and were wondering if you wanted any new friends" Luna said as she patted the empty spot next to her signaling to sit.

As I sat we all started talking about my life and who I was. They told me so much about the school and their amazing lives. I heard Harry Potter went to this school and I was amazed when I heard they were all very close with him. They were so sweet to me and it gave me a sense of hope.

They also told me who to stay away from. They told me about many Slytherin who have done many bad things and it's best to stay away from them.

"The trio of Slytherin" said Ginny

"Blaze Zabani, Grant August, and Draco Malfoy" Luna added

"You mean like Draco Malfoy as in the extremely obnoxious rich Malfoy family" I said

They all laughed as Hermione nodded her head.

"It's best to stay away. They are cold-hearted assholes"

"I'll definitely look out for them"

The train ride was perfect. I knew this would be a new chance for me to start over. I was ready. For it all.

I wasn't ready to tell anyone my real story of who my family was and who I really was. I have done too many terrible things and knew that no one would ever want to get to know me if they knew the real me. Almost like I had a dark side that I couldn't control. But I won't get into that now.

Little did I know things would only get worse from there.


I am not going to follow the actual story of Harry Potter being the main bad bitch going against mr voldy. Dear Amara is taking that place so many things will be changed ;)

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