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As the next week passed Fred completely shut me out. He thinks I don't like him back so he has been avoiding me. And every time I try to tell him how I feel he comes up with an excuse to leave. But I tried to forget about that and go to potions.

I had that class with Hermione and Ron. It is always hard to pay attention when I'm working with Ron because he makes super annoying jokes and doesn't pay attention. I catch him starting at Hermione All. The. Time. And sometimes she would look back and they both would get pink cheeks and awkwardly look away. It's a shame they haven't confessed their feelings for each other yet but it's so cute to watch them flirt without knowing it.

"Attention class"

Everyone's eyes averted to Snape at the front.

"I have made new seating arrangements that will be deemed permanent for the remainder of the year. If you have any problems please come to me but I will most likely do nothing about it"

I rolled my eyes and looked at Ron and Hermione. Everyone was annoyed.

"Hermione Granger with Blaize Zabani"

She picked up her things and moved to sit with him. He gave her a disgusted look and muttered something to Grant next to him.

"Ronald Weasly with Cho Chang"

He walked to her and gave her a welcoming smile.

Snape went through some more partners until it was my turn.

"Amara Crest with Grant August"

Oh. I don't know how to react. I didn't know anything about him other then he is friends with Blaize and Draco. He seemed nicer then the other two. And he was very.. attractive.

He picked up his things and sat next to me. He looked into my eyes, smiled, and then looked back at Snape as he started the lecture.

Our first task as partners was to do a report on what would happen if we were to combine our favorite potions and then write an essay.

He was writing the first few paragraphs and I was writing the last few. He communicated enough to get the job done but I could tell he didn't want to be partners with me. He wasn't rude like Blaize was to Hermione so I was thankful.

After class ended he nodded to me and walked of with Blaize. He made a joke that made Blaize laugh and look at me. I knew I was being judged but I wasn't going to let their man gossip ruin my day.

"Ugggg I can't believe he made me sit with that entitled ass of a wizard" Hermione jumped on her bed face first into her pillow. I laughed and laid next to her.

"I'm not happy about that either. Grant would barely talk or look at me. We got the project done but it's going to be hell working with him for the rest of the year"

"Tell me about it" she giggled and talked for a while until Ginny got back from detention. She and the twins set off fireworks at practice the other day because we won our first game. I didn't play but I might next game.

"Finally your back" I said as she walked through the door.

"It was like I was in that room for a whole day. They made me do so much work and I had to clean every table in the dining hall. The twins didn't even show up" she complained and sat with us.

"That's not like them. Maybe they fell asleep" Hermione suggested.

"Or maybe they were off planing more pranks to drag me into" she groaned and started to change into her pajamas.

"Ok but seriously I have a question" I said looking at them.

"Tell me about Grant August. I'm partners with him for potions and I know nothing about him. It would be easier to communicate if he told me more about himself and wasn't so stubborn"

"He transferred here second year and was sorted into Slytherin. His family is filthy rich and became friends with Draco automatically" Hermione said as she twirled her quill as she did homework.

"And don't be fooled by his shy behavior he's just silently judging you or thinking what it would be like to sleep with you. He's a big time play boy so I wouldn't try to get close to him" Ginny looked at me with concern. I trusted what they said but it's going to be hard to stay away if I'm his partner for the year.


"Have you seen that chick Amara yet. She's fine as hell" Grant looked at me with a grin. I knew exactly what he was thinking. She's just another play toy for him. Another pawn in this game he plays. Tricking girls into sleeping with him. Pathetic.

"I actually bumped into her in the forbidden halls" I said annoyed. "She's just another silly gryffindor girl that's friends with Potter. It's best to stay away"

"Do you like her or something. She's hot. I want her. And besides it would be easy. Snape assigned her as my partner for the whole year" he said as he got into his bed.

"I could never like a blood-traitor like her"

"Really man. I know you have a soft spot for gryffindores. Potter for instance" he said grinning.

"Oh fuck off" I shut the lights and went to bed.

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