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The Dance- Part 2

The Dance- Part 2

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Amara's dress^^^

After school was over me and my friends went back to our room to get ready for the dance. I took a shower and dried my hair. I put loose curls and a smokey eye for my makeup. My gown was perfect. It was a long black dress covered in lace. There are no straps but slit down the chest. There was also a slit in the leg that showed the sleek black heels that went with the dress. It made my waist look thin and my legs look long.

It was perfect. I felt beautiful. Hermione and Ginny thought is was the most beautiful thing they have ever seen. Hermione got a simple navy blue tight dress. She had the most perfect curves to go with it. Ginny got a short red dress with lace sleeves. They both looked amazing.

I never got to dress up much but when I did it was my favorite thing. It was even better because I got to talk to my friends at the same time. Hermione and Ginny left our room to meet their dates. Everyone agreed to meet at The Three Broomsticks for dinner. But Grant wanted to pick me up from my room himself. He thought it would be very "gentleman" of him. I said it was bullshit but he insisted.

I heard three knocks on the door as I put my earring in and hurried to the door.

"Coming one second" I grabbed my clutch and opened the door.

"Hey are you ready. We're going to be late" I said rushing out the door and closed it.

Grand took my hand before I could walk away and grabbed my waist. He turned me around so I would be facing him. Grants eyes traveled around by body in amazement. A small smirk left his mouth as I blushed.

"Damn Mar, you don't look half bad" he joked as he took my waist yet again and pulled me closer to him. My hands met his chest as I looked up and smiled. I felt my blush grow harder.

"You don't look that bad yourself" I giggled. He was wearing a black suit jacket and pants. He had a white button up shirt that was a bit unbuttoned at the top. It showed a tattoo of a snake he had on his chest. I'm guessing it represents Slytherin.

He let go of me and I put my arm loosely around his as we walked out of the common room and went on out way to Broomsticks.

Once we were there all of my friends looked a bit surprised that I was actually here with Grant.

Grant wasn't happy to hang out with Gryffindors. I told him it wouldn't be for long but he would have to deal with it if he came to the dance with me.

I scanned the table as I sat down. There was a basket of bread and butter in the middle of the table and I grabbed a piece for me and Grant. As I looked at everyone I caught Fred's eye. I saw Angela wasn't sitting with him and sitting with George instead. He had his arm wrapped around her shoulder and they were laughing as he kissed her nose. I was confused as I turned to Fred to ask him what happened.

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