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Hogwarts is great. I've made great friends. I love my classes. I'm already close to the top of my class.

At my old school I didn't have many friends. I didn't want to make any in fear of them finding out my secrets.

So I spent my time studying, outside, reading, drawing and more. I also was in so many extra class and advanced courses so I've always been a hard worker.

My mother always thought I should make friends and party instead of studying advanced potions or read muggle books but that was what I loved.

I have only ever made one friend. Who turned out to be the love of my life.

Or so I thought.

But I'm planing on never going back. This is my home now. Hogwarts is my home.

"MAR! COME WITH US" Ginny said grabbing my arm and dragging me to the griffindor common room.

"What is going on!" I yelled as I found myself outside of my dorm.

"Open the door" Hermione said giggling and looking at Ginny with a wide grin.

As I opened the door I saw streamers everywhere. Four sets of matching pajamas on the beds with candy and food everywhere. Face masks and makeup were set up near the dresser.

I stood there in shock.

"Wha- what is all this for" I said as I smiled and looked at them.

"Well there is this tradition at hogwarts where you throw a slumber party whenever you get a new dorm mate. We've been waiting for the perfect weekend to do it" said Hermione

"Lunas coming over later and we're going to pull an all nighter. ITS GONNA BE SO FUN" Ginny yelled.

"This is so sweet you didn't have to do all of this for me"

"Of course we did. We're so glad your our friend" Ginny said as she grabbed one of the pajamas and handed it to me.

"Here put this on. We have to grab a few things"

And with that they left.

The pajamas were pink shorts with the word "juicy" on the butt and a pink top with a heart in the center.

The door slammed open and I saw Ginny holding fire whiskey and Hermione holding shot glasses. Then Luna came in holding a tray.

"We got the goods" Ginny said skipping over and sitting on the ground around a small table.

"I can see that" I said as we all sat.

They went and changed into their pjs and I opened the tray Luna brought.


"Don't eat those yet. They are my special brownies. They are quite good" Luna said

"You mean like. Special, special" I questioned her with a laugh

"Luna I told you not to bring those. Oh well I guess now that they are here we should just eat them" Ginny said as she cut a small piece.

The night was perfect. I didn't drink much because I wasn't a fan of alcohol but I had the brownies. They were quite good as Luna said they were to be. We did our makeup and put on face masks. We also pained our nails and played so many games. I was starting to get tired but they insisted I play one more game.

Truth or dare.

"Ok I'll go first, Luna truth or dare" Hermione looked at Luna waiting for an answer.

"Umm dare" she said

"Perfect. I dare you to break into Ron's room and ask him if he has any cheese"

"CHEESE. They are most certainly asleep don't you think it's quite rude to ask him for cheese this late" she questioned.

"Oh just do it" Hermione said laughing.

Surprisingly she came back with a whole block of Swiss. We all laughed so hard and kept joking and coming up with different reasons of why we think Ron had a whole block of cheese in his room.

"Ok my turn, Mar truth or dare" Luna said to me.


"Ok my truth or you is..have you ever been in a relationship"

That's the exact question I was trying to avoid.

"If you don't want to tell us that's fine" Ginny said with a warm smile.

"No it's fine. We're friends and I think you should know this. It's a long story though"

"We have all the time in the world" Ginny said.

They all looked at me and listened.

"His name I will not say. But it all started my first year. I don't have many friends and neither did he. We were paired for a project and started to notice that we liked the same things. We became best friends and were always at each others sides. We did everything together. And fifth year came around, and he told me he fell in love with me over the many years of our friendship"

I tried not to cry. I haven't talked about this in so long. But what I was telling them was a lie. Well it was a version of the truth, but it goes way beyond what I was saying. They aren't ready to hear that though.

"So we started dating. It was great but I never loved him back and I knew it was wrong to stay with him so we broke up. He didn't talk to me after that and it felt like a part of me was missing. It was like I lost myself after that"

A tear rolled down my cheek. I will not cry. I am over this. So I smiled and changed the subject.

"Hermione truth or dare"

"Hey if you want to talk to us you can" she said.

"I know. And thank you all for being so sweet to me. No one has ever done anything like this for me. But I'm done talking about my past. I am starting a new future and if I can't forget that terrible memory then I have no hope"

"Dare" she said taking a shot.

And the night went on like that never even happened.

I knew I would tell them about my supposed "powers" and everything including my past life and my parents one day. But I wasn't ready. I don't think they are ready either. For now I will try to put myself first for once and enjoy while I can.

Sorry if this was boring I needed a filler lol

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