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As I waited in the library for Grant I gathered all of our supplies and put them on a table in the back. I grabbed some books off the shelves on Advanced Potions 101 and Magical Fire safety just in case anything went wrong. Of course Grant was 30 minutes late so I was thinking of leaving as I saw him walk into the library with his arm wrapped around a Slytherin girls waist as he kissed her quickly and made his way over to me.

"So are you ready to do this or what" he said with a snarky tone. The audacity.

"I have been ready for over a half an hour where the hell have you even been" I said angrily as he sat down and started going over the potion notes and trying to ignore my presents.

"That's none of your business but if you need to know-

"I don't need to know. Can we just get started" he took a clear vile and pored a purple and green substance together. It fogged up and he whirled it around before pouring it into the cauldron. We added a few more things as it became the first part of the potion process and moved the cauldron out of the way to start the second part. It was very complex and almost took an hour to brew.

"So tell me about yourself" Grant said out of nowhere.

"Why would you want to know"

"Because I can't bare the silence anymore and I'm stuck with you for the rest of the year so I might as well get to know you"

"I guess your right. What do you want to know"it took him a second to answer as he stood up to grab a glass of water. He leaned on the sofa near the fire place and looked at me.

"Why did you move here during 6th year"

"I went to school in Scotland originally" I said pouring a red liquid into a small bole. "But it wasn't for me and my parents always wanted me to come to hogwarts so I gave in"

"Boring. Okay next question, why were you sorted into all houses the first day you were here"

"Is this some sort of interrogation or something" I questioned.

"No no no I'm just curious you know. It's not everyday you see a beautiful girl like you get sorted into all houses and then moved to shitty gryffindor" I blushed as he called me beautiful but snapped out of it. I cant get pulled into his games, he's just like any other Slytherin boy. Tricking girls into sleeping with them.

"Can I ask you a question" I said with confidence.

"I guess"

"Why do all Slytherins hate gryffindors? I mean just because I'm in a different house then you doesn't give you right to be an ass to me and my friends" I said smirking as I stood up and walked over to the bookshelf to find another book on Potion Safety.

"Oh little miss I'm all independent over here is standing up for herself isn't she" he said as I tried reaching for the book but it was too high on the shelf.

Suddenly I felt a strong figure behind me reach up and grab the book. I looked back as Grant looked me in the eyes and handed me the book. He walked backwards to the door with a smirk and winked.

"We'll pick up where we left off tomorrow morning yeah, it's getting pretty late love" and he left. Just like that.

My breathing slowed down as I was unable to process what happened. Why does he have to be so hot but such an ass.

The next morning I meet him in the library at the same spot. We finished the potion before lunch and successfully tested it. We both wrote a part of the essay and handed in the project to Snape early. We got extra points for efficiency and got a perfect score.

I was disappointed when he acted normal. Like nothing happened last night. Because nothing did. Right? But he was back to his old self. Not speaking or interacting with me other then for the project purposes.

I went back to my dorm to get ready for quidditch practice. Their was a game tomorrow but it was hufflepuff against Slytherin. I was going with Ron and Harry so we would watch Slytherin and hufflepuff for weakness we could use against them in game.

I walked with Ginny to the fields as we met up with the team.

"Mar you'll never guess what happend" George was ecstatic as he ran over to me and Fred followed.

"What" I said waiting for unimpressive news.

"Fred got asked out by Angelina! Aren't you happy for him" my smile dropped as I looked at Fred. He wasn't smiling but watched my reaction to the news. I slowly looked back at George and tried to cover up my emotions. I didn't know why I was so jealous.

"Oh Freddie that's awesome. I'm so happy for you, really, I am" I walked over to him and gave him a quick hug and walked over to ginny.


"Told you it would work mate. Just look at that, she's completely devastated" George said smiling. Angie didn't ask me out. She likes George but agreed to go with our plan because she wants me to be happy and thinks Amara would be a perfect match for me. I saw her face when she heard the news. I know she likes me now but I still don't want to rush things. And even if we do become a thing I don't want to ruin our friendship.

"I'm glad she might have feelings but I feel bad. What if that really hurt her. Should I say or do something" I said concerned.

"No I think you should just make a move already" Ron said butting in.

"Wait how do you kno-

"I see the way you look at her man. Everyone can see you two have some sort of romantic connection bullshit going on"

I punched his arm and practice started.


I went back to my dorm and told Hermione and Ginny everything that happens with Fred. They were happy for me but told me to be careful. I can tell they care a lot about me. They think the Angelina thing was just a test to see if I would get jealous. And I did so I guess it worked.

"I also need to tell you about something that happened Thursday. In the library. With a curtain Slytherin"

"Oh please don't tell me you like Grant too"Ginny said disappointed.

"No I don't like him. He just broke out of his shell for a night and flirted with me which I thought was weird"

"That's slightly normal. He usually flirts with ravenclaws and Slytherins but rarely gryffindors. Maybe it's because you are partners for the rest of the year" Hermione suggested.

"Yeah he said we wanted to get to know me because were stuck together. It's probably nothing to worry about. And I know to stay away from him so you don't need to be concerned for me"

"Whatever you say. But night guys" Ginny said turning her lamp off and getting into bed.

But if only I knew how easy it was to fall for someone you shouldn't have fallen for in the first place.

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