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The next morning I went downstairs to help Molly with breakfast. She wanted to teach me how to make food the normal way. Without magic.

I'm wearing pink pj bottoms and a gray sweatshirt that belonged to my ex in Scotland. I'm not sure why I still have it but it's a great reminder of the relationship we used to have. I still miss him from times. He was my best friend and my heart is still broken from how I left him.

Molly was an amazing mother. She was always looking after her kids while also looking after herself. She was so accepting of me and I feel like I belong here at the burrow.

After she taught be how to make crêpes and pick the perfect strawberries from the garden, I set the table for 9 people. They had mismatching plates and chipped cups. The chairs were all different and one squeaked when I sat down. But somehow, it was still the most beautiful dining area ever.

I went upstairs to wake the girls and call them down for breakfast.

"Ginny and 'mionie wake your arses up. I made delectable crepes and there waiting for you downstairs." I said pulling on Hermione's arm to drag her up.

"Go away Mar it's too early." Ginny said throwing a pillow at me.

"Nonsense, it's 10 and I have so much planned for us." I said cheerily.

"No you have so much planned for you. We have homework to do." Hermione started getting up as she shot me a how-could-you-forget glance. "We all don't have much so if we just power through for the next three days, we could probably get it done."

"Oh ok. Well I can postpone the ultimate quidditch match I planned for later then." I said as I faked rolling my eyes and started walking to Ron's room to wake him and Harry up.

"Hold on what. THAT SOUNDS GREAT. 'Mionie can we take a few hours off the homework schedule to do this. Pleaseeee" Ginny said smiling at Hermione and blinked her eyes in a fast motion.

"Fine. It actually sounds fun. And can you still play Mar?" I shook my head as Hermione asked.

"No, it involves using my own magic to make the broom fly. But I set up fun obstacles to replace me with. I'll be the referee too." I said as I opened Ron's door and jumped on his bed.

"Ronnnn wake up." Ginny yelled in his ear and Hermione kicked Harry's cot on the floor and giggled.

"Mar has a fun game for us to play after we eat her so called delicious crêpes she made for breakfast." Hermione said pulling Harry out of his bed.

"Yah we heard you talking about quidditch and we're so in." Ron winked at me as the twins walked in. They were both leaning on ether side of the doorframe. George was wearing red and black plaid bottoms and a gray long sleeve shirt. And Fred on the other hand was wearing gray sweatpants and no shirt. I couldn't stop myself from starting at his perfectly sculpted biceps and amazing abs. I was practicing drooling as Hermione nudged my shoulder to snap me out of it.

"Did I just hear someone say quidditch. We're also in" George said gesturing to Fred who I caught starring at me.

We all headed downstairs and ate quickly. I wasn't lying when I said I had a fun quidditch game set up. I did a quick reading of How to Teach Quidditch and found so many good games in it. I asked Molly if I could use some things from their shed and she said I could use whatever.

I quickly cleaned up the plates as they all got dressed into their uniforms (I told them they didn't have to wear them but they insisted it was necessary). I walked outside and made jazz hands gesturing to my setup. I had brooms and gardening tools lying on the ground and multiple posts up on opposite sides of the yard.

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