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"Wait Wait Wait so your saying you almost fucking kissed Grant!! Tell me more!!" Hermione was all excited and happy for me at the same time.

"Well he got really close to kissing me and then he said... your a monster bla bla bla." I imitated his voice to sound funny and try to lighten the mood.

"And he said that because he knows your secret." Ginny asked.

"Yes. And he confronted me before I went looking for Fred and we threatened each other. I'm really sorry I didn't listen to you guys. I should have known he was always going to be a bad person" I apologized and looked at the ground. The late afternoon sky lit up Hermiones face as she spoke back.

"No it's ok. We thought he changed too. We've never seen him act like that around a girl but we should have known he was just lying. So don't apologize, it wasn't your fault." She said as Ginny nodded her head in agreement.

I went through the rest of the story as we went back to the common room to hang out. I haven't told anyone about my power strain yet. But Dumbledore told all the teachers that I am not allowed to use any magic but he never told them why. He knows how important this is to me and to everyone's safety. Anyone else who knows also must keep the information hidden.

As we got back I saw Harry Ron George and Fred.


I'm still pissed. And I knew the only way I could hide my emotions toward him was to just act like a total bitch.

He sat on the couch near the fire and hung his head. He looked sad and wasn't participating in the discussion the other boys are having.

As soon as he saw me his eyes lit up and he stood from his chair quickly. As did the other boys. I gave him a cold and hard stare before addressing the other boys.

"Amara are you ok. We were so worried" Ron said rushing over as George gave me a quick side hug.

"I'm fine. I'll explain everything soon."

Fred didn't come say hello. He was still in the spot he was in after standing up. But he never stopped looking at me. I could tell he was sorry about what happened. And I forgive him but I'm not ready to show it.

We spend the rest of the night in the common room talking and having fun. It got my mind off of everything and I was a lot less tired.

But through the whole evening, Fred never said one word to me.

That night at dinner Dumbledore had important news for us.

"Ladies, gentlemen and non-binaires I have a special announcement." He said as everyone's eyes averted to the front of the room.

"There has been sign of a death eater near by the school. There has also been much indication that Voldemort is back and more powerful then ever." Everyone gasped and I heard whispers everywhere.

Is he coming to the school?
What does he want?
Who is he going after?
Are there death eaters in the school?

I knew he was stronger because of me. I didn't hold back and now he has more magic then any wizard has ever obtained. Hermione, Ginny, and Dumbledore knew this too but never said anything to me.

"Please calm down. I am sending you all home for a two week break so we can search and capture all death eaters that are coming for the school. Your safety is our number one priority." He said as I heard sighs of relief.

I cannot go to my home. I'm not sure my mom is safe but I cannot check. I try to take my mind off of it by thinking of other places I could stay. The Weasleys? No. Well maybe. I'm not sure but I do need a break from all this drama and terror at school.

"So Mar were all staying at the burrow." Ginny said indicating her, Hermione, Harry and her brothers. "Do you know where you are staying because your more then welcome to stay with us. I have plenty of room in my room." She offered.

"Oh no I couldn't possibly intrude. That's already so many people and I don't want to be more of a burden to your parents."

"Oh please my mum is the one who suggested it. She's been dying to meet you." She confessed as I smiled.

"Are you sure?" I said as she nodded. "That would be really great thanks" I said as I nudged her shoulder.

"Yay this is going to be like a two week party." Ron said laughing. Fred had a slight smile on his face as he caught me starting at him. This might get interesting.

A.N. This is a really short chapter but NEW CHARACTER COMING SOON. Ok thank you all I hope you like it so far and don't forget to comment and hit the ⭐️

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