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I packed my things quickly. I brought enough cloths for two weeks and some other essentials. I grabbed the magical suitcase Hermione let me borrow. It looked small from the outside but had tons of room on the inside. I'm technically not using my own magic.

We put the luggage in the Weaslys small blue car and closed the trunk. I sat it the back with Ginny and Hermione. Ron was driving and Harry was in the passengers seat. The twins left early because all of us couldn't fit in this small car.

I was honestly super excited to go. It would be a nice break from worry and drama back at school. I knew it would be awkward with Fred but I told myself I would try to ignore him a bit.

The drive was peaceful. I read part of my astronomy textbook that was assigned for homework. That was the only assignment I was able to do. All my other teachers excused me from anything else because they couldn't think of a replacement assignment in such short notice. I was happy about that but to pass time I grabbed advanced magic books to read while everyone else did their homework.

When we arrived I stepped out of the car with amazement when I looked at the Burrow. It was an adorable rustic cottage with tulips and large bright flowers everywhere. I started walking down the dirt path that lead to the door, luggage in hand and practically skipped to the front door. I was too excited.

"Bloody hell Ginny it's amazing." I said with a large smile on my face.

"I knew you would like it" she gave me a wink and continued along the dirt path.

Mrs. Weasly opened the door as we approached and gave all her children a hug. They were all smiling and laughing, excited to see their mother. I smiled as I watched them greet each other. And to be honest, Mrs. Weasly is the mother I've always wanted. She looks so bright and happy.

She walked over to Hermione and Harry who were making fun of how bright Ron's hair looked in the sun. Mrs. Weasly gave the two a hug after giving them a stern glance in response to their ginger joke.

"Not funny. You know my hair was twice as orange when I was a young lady." The mother said as we all laughed. She then made her way over to me. I was scared for some reason. I wanted her to like me. Because I need a motherly figure in my life right now and she seems perfect.

"Now you must be the famous Amara." I walked over plastering a smile on my face and stuck out my hand for her to shake. Instead, she pulled me into a deep hug. One of the best hugs I have ever had.

"Amara, Dumbledore talked to me. I know all about who you are, and I know my daughter and Hermione know too. There is no need to be worried, I will keep you safe. I'm so sorry for what you have gone through." She whispered that into my ear and my eyes started to water. I pulled away.

"Thank you so much for taking me into your home at a time like this. I know it's dangerous so I'll do all I can to help you around the house. I don't have much homework anyway because of my lack of magical abilities at the moment, so I would love to take up a few new hobbies to do during my extra time." I wiped away the happy tear that fell from my eye and Mrs. Weasly hugged me again.

"Darling you are a gift. I would LOVE to teach you how to knit. None of my kids ever want to try it out but I know you would love it. You look like the knitting type." She sounded so passionate about the subject that I couldn't refuse the offer. Even though I never wanted anything to do with knitting, she's making it seem like it's the best thing ever, and I'm all here for it.

Everyone was watching as she put her arm around my shoulders and walked me too the door as everyone followed her in.

"Come in, come in!" Mrs. Weasly waved her hand gesturing to come into her home. The house decor was so adorable. I didn't care if it was practically falling apart and small because it felt like home. And I have never felt the feeling of home.

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