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I stood up from the table scared of my own reflection and ran away. Hermione and Ginny followed closely behind. I ran to Dumbledores office. I know he can help me in this situation.

We arrived outside his door. I know the code because he gave it to me in case of emergency's. Like this.

We walked up the spiral stairs and through the doors to find him sitting at his desk surprised to see us. I was frantically mumbling to him as I covered my eyes in fear they were still pitch black.

"I'm sorry miss Crest but I cannot understand you. Can you please speak up?" Dumbledore asked standing from his chair and said a quick hellos to the girls.

"I um- I think I'm going insane!" I shouted. For some reason I'm unable to express my emotions. Everything feels weird. Like a fever dream.

"Elaborate" he said confused and looked at the girls once again for answers.

I told him about tonight, how I was so excited to attend the ball with Grant and see my friends. And how I had a special moment with Grant but instead he told me how I was a monster. And how angry I was that i went to find Fred just to see him kissing another girl. Then confronting Grant again and finding out that he knows my secret and plans on using it against me. I was embarrassed when I added how I was so mad I stoped thinking and lost complete control over my actions. That last bit made him even more curious about what is happening to me.

"Why are you hiding your face from me?" He tries to look me in the eyes but I continue to look away and close them.

"Really? Out of all I tell you, you want to know why I won't look at you?!" I don't know why I'm mad. Everything isn't going my way but I'm being overdramatic for no reason.

"Because I know you left something out. I'm not a therapist and I know you didn't just come to my office to tell me about your terrible night, which I am very sorry to hear about. But please tell me what else happened after you lost control of your actions" he pushed for an answer.

I finally looked at him. My eyes weren't black anymore but they were dripping with black liquid. It was thicker then mascara covered tears. More like a blood like consistency and it was terrifying.

I looked at my self in a nearby mirror and gasped. I looked like a monster, with black liquid pouring out of my eyes, anyone would be afraid of me.

I looked at Hermione and Ginny. They gasped and put a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. They didn't say anything.

I guess every dark lord has to have something insane looking about them. Voldemort has no nose and I have fun black stuff that comes out of my eyes. Cute.

"Earlier it looked different. My eyes were completely covered with this stuff. And now it's dripping out." I tried wiping it away as it now covered my hands. Dumbledore grabbed a small vile and collected the black liquid. Then with a flick of his wrist and a small mumble my face was clear and clean.

"You girls can leave. I will call you down to my office when I have answers. For now I think it was part of your extended powers. A sort of a reaction now that you have fully reached your power capacity. Which is strange because it should have taken a few more years for that to happen. You are obviously more powerful then we thought." The door opened on its own as we started to make our way out.

"Oh and one more thing." He walked over to me and took out a gold ring with a red stone on it.

"I now forbade you from using magic. You are far too dangerous." He says slipping the ring on my right middle finger. I feel a slight change in my body as I feel a bit faint.

"This ring will stop you from using magic. If you do there will be an electric shock go though your body. I am the only one that can take it off. I don't want to do this but it is for your own good" he said pushing us out the door.

None of us had anything to say. I examined the ring and rolled my eyes. I was too pissed off to even cry, scream, or shout. I didn't know what to do so I walked. And I didn't stop until I found myself in the abandoned hallway.

I ran as fast as I could through the abandoned halls to a vacant bathroom. Hiding in the corner and started sobbing, Ginny and Hermione came to sit next to me. I didn't know they were following me the whole time but I'm glad they were.

The three of us sat in the corner in silence as I cried. I was in the middle of both of them. We didn't know what to say and they just but their heads on both my shoulders. It was peaceful. We sat there for so long I fell asleep. And for the first night in a long time, I didn't get nightmares.

I think it was because the nightmares happened because of the magic. Now that I'm unable to use it, my mind feels free, clear, open.

I woke up in my bed somehow. I sat up and looked around and saw the girls sitting at the edge of my bed.

"Umm hey. Thanks for bringing me up to my bed last night" I said resting my back on the headboard.

"Mar are you sure your ok. You slept through breakfast and lunch. We saved you some food but I think we should talk about what happened last night." Ginny said handing me a platter with a bagel, Mack and cheese, yogurt and granola and orange juice on it.

"I'm fine, it's probably all my magic being concealed. Or it could be that I reached full power capacity in one night, which I didn't even know could happen. But I think we should talk too. Just not here. I have a better place." I got dressed and quickly took a few bites of my food and saved the rest for later.

I brought Ginny and Hermione to the astronomy tower. I asked Hermione to put a silencing spell around us.

"So, what happened? You can start from the beginning of the night to the end. And we can go over out theories about your magic after, that's a whole other conversation" Ginny says as we all sat in a circle and I started my conversation. I know they listened to me tell all of this to Dumbledore but I went into depth this time. I included my feelings and thoughts i had throughout the night so it would help any further thoughts about what happened with my magic.

A.N. I changed my username yall so sorry if you get confused lol. It's now s1ut4harrystylez hehe. Don't forget to comment and click the ⭐️

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