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"Today you will be starting the biggest project of the year. It is a large percentage of your grade so please work hard" Snape said as I looked at Grant. He wasn't paying attention. I used to think he was nicer then his friends. That he wasn't a rude pureblood. But he doesn't talk to me. I would find him and his friends pointing at me and laughing all the time.

The other day Grant and Draco came up to me and called me a stupid blood-traitor. And then called Hermione next to me a mudblood and walked off laughing.

But I don't pay attention to them. Grant seems to do his part in class. I have a good grade but I would be better if he talked to me.

"I have given you and your partner a tricky potion. If you are unsuccessful to brew it by next Monday you fail. You must write down the result of the potion and anything you observe while producing it" Snape handed out packets with different potions on them. He gave us the Black Fire Potion. It allows the taker to move through fire unharmed. I have never seen so many ingredients used for a potion.

As class went on we collected the ingredients and started writing some notes down for the final conclusion.

"Hey. Um can we meet in the library after classes Friday. I need to get a good grade on this assignment and if I fail because of you stupid gryffindor, I'll make sure you pay" Grant said to me as he gathered the ingredients and put them on a tray.

"Please if anyone was to make us fail it would be you. But yes I'll see you Friday"

I grabbed the potion packet and walked off with Hermione. He rolled his eyes. I was proud of myself. I felt powerful standing up to him.

I have been improving so much in quidditch. Ron and Harry have been helping me a lot since Fred won't talk to me. George helps too but he mostly tries to push me off my broom mid practice. But this Thursday I will be playing my first game and I was terrified. Ginny keeps saying I'll do fine but I think differently.

I was a chaser. I score through the three hooped with the quaffle. I was quick and ruthless on my broom. I wasn't afraid to push someone out of the way to score a point.

This was an escape for me. To get away from all the problems in my life.

Then I spotted Fred. I needed to talk to him even if he won't speak to me I miss his company a lot. He made me happy.

"Hey Fred" I ran over to him and smiled.

"Oh um hey Amara"

"How have you been. I haven't talked to you in a while" I did a small laugh as Fred walked faster.

"Yah sorry I've been really busy. I'll see you later" he said as I grabbed his hand.

"Can you just drop the act. Your being so annoying. I know you are avoiding me and I hate not being around you" I said still holding onto him. He looked at my hand on his and then looked me in the eyes.

"Sorry mar I just- I don't know ever since that night I can't face you" he looked at me with sad eyes as I let go of his hand.

"I-" he cut me off.

"And don't tell me how you feel. Can we just go back to being friends. I miss you" after he said that I didn't know how to ever tell him how I felt. But I want to be friends with him again too.

"I miss you too" and I hugged him. I caught him by surprise. After a moment of hesitation he hugged me back and walked away to his friend Lee.

Today I was playing in my first quidditch match. I got ready and met with the team. Ginny and Fred were hyping me up as Harry and Ron kept telling me their secrets to success to winning. We were going against Slytherin. They are the second best team in the school next to us.

Secrets to LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora