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The next day I woke up and felt like I was hit by a bus. I looked around the room and saw Luna sleeping in Hermione's bed, Ginny on the floor with a pillow covering her face and Hermione was on Ginnys bed holding a trash bag.

I got up and started to clean. It was a total mess. But I didn't care. It was the best night of my life.

I forgot what it was like to have fun. To forget everything and live in the moment.

"Shit" Ginny looked up at me. Her hair was a mess and their was smeared makeup all over her face.

"What happened to you" I said laughing as the other girls started to get up.

"I haven't had that much fun I ages" Luna said as she put her hair in a messy bun.

"Amara your too sweet. You didn't have to clean all this up" Hermione grabbed the trash bag from my hands and cleaned the rest.

Later me met with Ron, Harry, Fred and George for some butterbeer. I'm starting to get closer to the twins. I could tell they liked me.

"Oh please your lying" George said rolling his eyes.

"So your telling me you flipped your teacher off because she said you looked ugly in a skirt" Fred said shocked.

"Well she said that because I said she looked like a goblin put through a paper shredder" I said smirking.

"Bloody hell" Fred took a sip of his butterbeer.

As we left I walked around the school with Fred. He was so sweet. It was like I got butterflies in my stomach when I was around him and he makes me laugh even if his joke wasn't funny.

"It's getting kinda late don't you think we should head back to our dorms soon" I suggested as we took a turn around a corner.



"I have a better idea" he took my hand and led me to the astronomy tower.

"What are we doing here" I said while I looked around.

"No one really comes to this area of the castle. I like to come up here and think or
clear my mind" he said sitting down under a pillar.

"It's beautiful" I sat down next to him. We sat in silence for what felt like forever.



"I like you. I mean I- I think your cool I guess" I smiled and looked up at him. "I've never felt this way when I'm around someone"

"I fee-

"Do you hear that" he stopped me. I heard footsteps near. It was against the rules to be out of our dorms at this part of night.

He took my hand and led me to a small closet in a room under the tower. His stomach was pressed against mine and he has his finger over my mouth silencing me. We looked at each other and then back out a small hole in the door to see who the footsteps were coming from.


He stood there looking out onto the beautiful night sky as he lay his arms on the thin railing of the tower.

What is he doing up here so late?

I looked back at Fred and saw that he was just as confused as me. And then I felt a tickle in my nose. I was going to sneeze.

He covered my mouth with his whole hand and pinched my nose as the sneeze went away.

We both held in a laugh and stood there waiting for Draco to go.

Eventually Draco left and Fred walked me back to the common room.

I snuck back into my room quickly and quietly so I didn't wake the girls.

As I closed the door behind me and headed to my bed the lights turned on.

"Mar. What in the name of Merlin were you doing up so late. We were so worried!" Hermione said siting on her bed as she looked at Ginny sitting on hers.

"I was- I was with Fred"

"Oh please don't tell me you have a thing for my brother" Ginny said throwing a pillow at me.

"Im not sure if I like him but I'm tired. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow"

"Night" Hermione said turning the lights off and getting under her covers.

I slipped into my bed and thought of what just happened.

I like you. I mean- I think your cool I guess. I've never felt this way when I'm around someone.

And I liked him too. I just don't know how to tell him that.

"You don't have to do this. Please don't do this" Amaras mother Mildred said. She looked over to her husband Marcus. He was chained to the wall, blood streaming down his face looking back at her with a scared face. She has never seen him this worried.

"Cant you see I have no choice. Your child is perfect. She can give me all the power I need" Voldemort said taking the baby from Mildred and setting Amara on the ground.

She ran to her husband trying to help. But it was no use. She could loose her child and her husband at any moment but she couldn't do anything about it.

Voldemort preformed a spell on the child as the baby cried out in pain. She wrapped her arms around Marcus and dug her head into his shoulder sobbing. It was hopeless.

I woke up in a full body sweat. Those were my parents. And Voldemort. I had many dreams of them but they stopped a while ago. They were always just of my parents talking to the dark lord. But never that.

And I was in this too. What could it mean. Was this a sign? A warning?


"Mar are you listening to me get up. Your going to be late"

I snapped back into reality and realized Hermione was calling my name. I got ready quickly and walked with Mionie to my first class.

The day went fine and I slowly started to stop thinking about the dream. But I never left the back of my mind.

I was scared.

I hoped yall liked this chapter lol. Is everything making sense because I'm not the best writer. This one was fun to write😉

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