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Still in shock from the recent events I took a deep breath and looked around to see if anyone saw what happened. I wiped the tears from my eyes and decided to go back to the ball.

I can't believe I was so stupid. I was so desperate for affection that I believed Grant, a rich stuck up guy, had a soft spot for the new girl, who is apparently a monster.

That's how he sees me right? Because all he did was put on this fake face for weeks just to tell me something I already knew.

I know it wasn't a joke because I have always felt it. Like something was off the moment I met him. I know he knows something about me and I need to figure that out. But now, I'm wiping away my tears and deciding to forget about it. Im going to spend time with my friends, in my gorgeous dress, and not thinking about how Grant could potentially exploit all of my secrets.

As I walked back into the main room I looked around. I saw all my friends huddled at our table.

When I sat down I noticed Fred still wasn't here. Hermione grabbed my hand and sat me in a chair next to her.

Sitting around a circle chair there were cakes, pastries, drinks and more in the center.

"Amara where have you been?" Ginny asked as Harry kissed her on the cheek and everyone's eyes looked my direction. They all looked surprised, scared even.

"Why are you all looking at me, I just went to the bathroom that's all" I laughed awkwardly as they kept looking at me.

"Were you crying mar? Your eyes are puffy and there's mascara dripping down your cheek" Ron asked as everyone asked what happened.

"Oh um it was noting, just a little homesick that's all" I played it off and tried to think of something to chance the subject.

"Umm do you know where your brother is?" I turned to George as he looked around and took a moment to respond to my question.

"No actually. I saw him earlier saying he was a bit tired so I'm guessing he's in the common room. Do you want me to go check" he asked

"No no it's fine I'll go. I don't want you missing out on time with Angela" I say as I smiled. I told everyone i was leaving to go find Fred and I got up to leave. No one asked where Grant was so I was grateful. Just as I was walking out the door, Grant walked in and walked towards me. I decided the  best way to handle this was to be confident.

He forcefully grabbed my hand to face me to him and he whispered in my ear.

"I know what you can do, I know what you have done, I know the kind of person you are. So don't try to run and hide. Your a very dangerous person Amara" he looked me in the eyes searching for a scared reaction, or some emotion following what he said. But I gave him nothing, and he continued.

"I'm impressed you hid so well for so long. It was a bad choice to come to hogwarts. I will make sure to make your life a living hell." He grinned and right before he went to walk away I spoke.


"Because you have power like no other. Your a threat to everyone and everything. And you could destroy everything my family has worked for in seconds. So I was assigned to bring you down, and that's what I intend to do."

"Then get ready. Because even though you think you can make my life hell, I have been deceiving people for years. I know how to win, to fight. I know I seem like a basic girl with a traumatic life, but at least I know how to take down any ignorant man that gets in my way." He was surprised I was bold enough to talk back. He rolled his eyes and came close to my ear again.

"Oh I'm so ready." He kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I huffed and walked out of the doors. Not caring if all of my friends just saw what happened and made my way to the common room looking for Fred.

I needed him right now. More then ever, even if I like him, having him as a friend to talk to about this situation would help so much. He has been such a good listener ever since I met him and now I feel we have drifted apart for some reason.

Is it because he got with Angela, and I started talking to Grant more? Was he jealous of Grant?

I approached the door to the gryffindor common room and said the password.

It was quiet. I heard the faint crackle of a fire and some whispers coming from the main area. I advanced there to see who is was.

Just as i turned the corner to see who the whispers were coming from I gasped. Fred was on top of a hufflepuff girl kissing her as he moved his hands all over her body. I stood there unable to move as more tears spilled out of my eyes.

"Take a picture it will last longer" the girl said as Fred turned his head finally noticed I was here. He quickly jumped off the girl and stood up walking over to me. I rolled my eyes before he could say anything and walked away to my room.

As soon as I shut the door I slid to the floor and let out a quiet sob. Two guys in one night. Perfect.

I heard a hard knock at my door and Fred called my name.

"Amara. Please let me in. I can explain Mar" he continued to knock as I stood up and opened the door.

The look on his face was softer and more relived when at the thought of me actually opening the door. But instead it changed to surprise as I slapped him in the face. And hard.

There were five red finger marks that were left On his right cheek and his mouth was gaped open.

I smiled at him as I closed the door in his face and wiped away my tears. Trying to control my breathing as it became heavier and heavier. I'm filled with rage.

I opened the door again to see Fred still standing there in shock. I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me. I said nothing and neither did he.

We walked out of the common room and through the empty halls back to the Ballroom. I dragged him to our group of friends as tears kept pooling out of my eyes. But in a psychotic way.

I didn't know why I was so mad. I think it's because the thought of the guy I like making out with another girl and the fact that someone who I don't trust knows my deepest darkest secrets. My vision was cloudy as I sat him in a chair next to me joining the circle of my friends.

I could tell Hermione and Ginny knew I was not ok but they said nothing as everyone looked at me and Fred.

A girl with mascara and tears flowing down her face. A boy with a bright red hand mark on his right cheek.

"What the hell." Harry said as he looked at us.

"Oh it's nothing. Just that I caught the boy I like making out with a hufflepuff girl moments after Grant basically called me a psychopath. More specifically a monster."

"You like me." Fred said facing me looking me in the eyes.

"I'm feeling really betrayed right now by a lot of people and your high on my list. I thought you liked me back but I guess I was wrong." I said. I didn't even know what words were coming out of my mouth. I was filled with anger and adrenaline. I felt like I had all the power in the world.

"Mar your eyes- they- their black." I looked at my reflection in one of the shiny spoons in front of me. My whole eye was black, no white or brown. Just black. And it was horrifying.

I stood up surprised as I looked at Hermione and Ginny. They quickly got up and rushed me out of the dining hall to Dumbledore.

A.N. Hehe ok please go read my new story Tea and crumpets. It's not Harry Potter but it's about a girl who goes to a British boarding school. Enemies to lovers themed though lolz. Bye luvs thanks for reading and remember to press the little ⭐️

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