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After arriving at hogwarts from a train ride that felt like forever Hermione and the girls led me to a beautiful room with a celling that looked like stars. So many students everywhere. I didn't see anything like this in my old school.

As I sat down with them a teacher came up behind me.

"You are Amara I presume"

"Oh yes nice to meet you"

"Yes, well just follow me to the front of the hall you will be sorted first"

I nodded and stood from my seat. As I looked around I felt so may eyes on me. What if I was Slytherin like my parents want me to be.

Another thing you should know is that I haven't seen my dad since I was a baby. He is a very close ally to Voldemort and didn't have time to take care of me and my mother so he left.

His only request was that I got into Slytherin when it was time for me to go to hogwarts.

My mother has always been there for me. Through everything. Even though I didn't like the things she stood for I loved her with my whole heart. She was my best friend.

At my old school we would send letters to each other every week to keep in touch. But lately she hasn't been acting the same and it's scaring me.

"My dear students. I am pleased to welcome the new and old arriving for another fantastic year at hogwarts. I am Albus Dumbledore the headmaster. Let the sorting begin"

I felt my heart racing so fast. This year was going to be a disaster.

"Amara Crest your up first"

I walked up a couple stairs and sat on a stool. I felt a hat being placed on my head and I was startled when it shouted.

"AMARA. WHAT A LOVELY NAME. I must ask you, do you know of the capabilities you have. I haven't felt power like this since-

"Never mind that just sort her please" said Dumbledore.

"Hmmm I have a strange feeling from you. I cannot decided if it's darkness or light. What a strange girl you are"

My face was red. What is he talking about. I keep asking myself questions.

Is there something wrong with me?

Am I dangerous?

Do they know who my family is?


A flow of relief swept over me. I'm not slitherin thank god.

Right as I was about to stand the most unexpected happend.




I heard mumbling and whispers all over the room. All eyes on me. The professors didn't know what to do.

Then it was completely silent.


Dumbledore ran over to me and grabbed my arm. Some teachers followed as he ripped off the sorting hat and pulled me into what I believed to be his office.

"So it's true" he said.

"Well I knew it would happen at some point I just didn't think it would happen anytime soon" said a woman with a green pointy hat.

"I'm sorry dear I'm professor Magonnagle and this is professor Snape"

I nodded at each of them but still in awe from recent events.

"Amara we know who your parents are and we also know your nothing like them"Dumbledore proceeded

"How do you know them" I asked

"Your mother called. She told me that you needed protection from your father. She said that your of age and things will start to dramatically change soon. But you are more then safe in our protection " Dumbledore gave me a look of reassurance.

I felt a flow of safety. I trusted these people even though I've only known them for 10 minutes. I just have a feeling that told me I'm ok. I don't need to worry. But then I remembered that I need more answers about what just happened.

"What just happened out there"

"There is this prophecy about a young child being handed to a powerful wizard and splitting its powers with you. In your case you were chosen. Voldemort trusted you parents and gave his power to you. But the reason that has to be done is it will give Voldemort more and more powers the more you grow and the more you practice wizarding" Dumbledore said as Magonnagal added something.

"When I spoke to your mother and she told me you needed protection I certainly didn't think this was the case. Dear I know it's confusing but this is a serious matter. This means you have the same amount of power as the most powerful wizard in the world right now. You can either choose to stand with him or go against him. But either choice would end in terror."

"Bloody hell"

"No this can't be happening" Snape looked at me with a cold stare. I got shivers and looked away.

But then I started feeling dizzy. My throat went dry and it was hard to stand. And then I dropped.

I woke in the hospital wing and with Dumbledore sitting beside me.

I sat up and looked at him with a sad smile.

"We expected you would be in Slytherin . Not all the houses" he chuckled.

"What house am I in though"

"I talked to the sorting hat, I know sounds a bit weird, but he said you could choose. You are an equal amount of every house I guess"

"I want to be in griffindor"

"I know I already put your things in Hermione and ginnys dorm. You'll be staying with them"

I smiled and looked next to me. There was a note and a chocolate frog candy.

Amara I thought you would like to stay with me and Ginny. We loved your company on the train and hope you feel better soon

I smiled. I was so happy I was staying with them. They seemed like good people. But I still had so many questions.

"What happened after I fainted"

"Well you were brought here and we returned to the dining hall for the rest of the sorting ceremony. Every one is in a buzz about what happened and I will tell them it was a mistake and you are in griffindor, is that ok with you"

"That's perfect. What happens next"

"Well we'll just have to wait and see"

I will soon be introducing more characters but I needed a way to add Fred and George so they could be at hogwarts the same time Amara is. They will be a year older then her and will be in 7th year <3

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