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I set up my things in my dorm and Ginny took me around the common room to show me around and meet some people.

"Saturday is Quidditch tryouts"

"Yes I heard but if you don't mind me asking, what is Quidditch. They didn't have that at my old school"

We sat in the common room talking about Quidditch for quite a while. I could tell she was passionate about it. She said her brothers are all really good at it.

"Hey Ginny who do we have here"

"Ginny is this your new girlfriend"

Two ginger boys who appeared to be twins sat on either side of me and examined my features. They were quite handsome.

"Oh shut up. I'm sorry Mar these are my brothers. The one on your left is Fred and right is George"

"Pleased to meet you" they said in unison as they held out a hand for me to shake.

"Nice too meet you too" as I giggled back.

"We heard you talking about Quidditch"said Fred as George but in.

"I have an idea"

"I know exactly what your thinking Georgie"

I was totally against it but the twins insisted I joined them and Ginny at their next practice in preparation for tryouts.

They said if I do good they could make an exception and add me to the team as an extra so I can start learning more about the sport because of how new it is to me.

I was reluctant as first but I always loved running through the fields back in Scotland. Biking on the trails. Hiking up mountains. I loved nature and physical activity. It was my escape.

And I did it all with him by my side...


I mustn't think about that anymore.

I'm here to learn about this strange sport.

"Why hello I'm Ron, Ginnys brother. Hey I know you, your the girl who was sorted into all houses and then put into griffindor. Like that's not suspicious at all" Ron said as he rolled his eyes and shook my hand.

"Well for your information it was purely a mistake and there's nothing you can do about it now" I stood up for myself.

"Why your feisty. I'm Harry as you might know"

"Oh it's so nice to meet you Ginny and Hermione tell me so much about you"

"I hope it's all good things"

"Purely good" I smile at them.

I took a seat on the bleachers and watched them whip around on brooms and throw balls into rings. Hermione was sitting next to me telling me how it worked and what they were doing.

It wasn't hard to catch on and it looked quite dangerous. But a fun kind of dangerous.

Fred insisted I got on a broom and tried it out.

The second I started flying it felt euphoric. Like I was alive for the first time. I was a natural and knew what to do the second i touched a Bludger.

We played 3 on 3. The whole team wasn't there so it was just us 6 playing.

Me, Fred and Harry vs Ginny, George and Ron.

After the other team one we cleaned up and went back to the dining hall for dinner.

"Bloody hell Ginny she's amazing. What team did you play on in Scotland again"Ron said surprised.

"Well actually that was my first time playing. They didn't have Quidditch in Scotland. I guess I'm a natural" I said giggling.

"You sure as hell are. I've never seen someone play that good for their first time learning something" Harry said.

It's been a week since tryouts and I got on the team instantly. Today was my first official practice and Ginny was over the moon to have another girl on the team.

"Hey are you done getting changed dinner is soon" said Ginny.

"You go without me I have to stop at the library quick"

"You sure" I nodded as she grabbed her bag and left with a smile.

As I walked through the halls I looked around. There weren't any students around. That's odd they are usually crowded at this time of night.

And then I realized I took a wrong turn. I was in the forbidden hallways.


I started running because I was scared someone would catch me in a place I shouldn't be. I just got to this school I couldn't get in trouble so soon.

And then I fell.


I bumped into someone.

"You bitch watch where your going. Wait what are you doing in these halls they are forbidden"

As I stood I looked into his eyes. A beautiful shade of gray and blond hair. He is Draco Malfoy.

"Watch your language that's no way to speak to a lady" I said rubbing where my head hit the ground.

"And I'm new here I got lost going to the library. But what are you doing in this part of the castle"

"That's none of your business" he said in a low tone.

"Your bleeding you know" he points to my head as he walked off muttering stupid griffindor.

He's so arrogant why must Slytherins be like that.

Instead of going to the library I went strait to the dining hall and met with my friends.

"My god Amara what in the name of Merlin happened to your head" George said as they all looked at me.

"Oh I bumped into Draco and hit my head on the ground I'm fine but just a little pissed. He called me a bitch and didn't even help me up"

"That's expected. He doesn't care about anyone but himself" Harry said while eating some ham.

"It's whatever I'm over it"

"I'm glad you ok" Hermione said as she nudged my shoulder.

"Ok but can we talk about how amazing Amara did at practice today" Ron blurted out.

"Even though your a little sketchy your a bloody good player that's for sure" Ron said and Ginny kicked his leg from under the table.

We all laughed and went on with dinner.

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes lol I'm not the best writer.

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