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Lately it's been hard to sleep through the night. I would have terrible nightmares that leave me sobbing when I wake up but I never remember them in the morning. I'm guessing it has to do with Voldemort and my awakening powers.

People have been starting to report more and more death eaters and attacks in London. They are getting closer and closer to finding my mom and I'm starting to get scared for her safety.

She wrote to me and said that I can't visit her for a while because it could put us both in danger. She also said that some of this is happening through my fathers orders. He has become one of Voldemort's most trusted advisers and would do anything to help Voldemort succeed in his plan.

Mother said I should be careful with magic for a while. My powers are growing stronger. I can feel it. Sometimes I can feel darkness when I use magic and it's addicting. But I plan on using the power for good against Voldemort.

I fear Voldemort knows I'm going against him so he is trying to find me. I won't let that happen.

I got ready for class and walked to astronomy. I had that with Neville and Fred. Neville is so sweet to me. He knows I struggle with this subject so he lets me borrow his notes and study's with me. I definitely got better grades because of him.

"Good morning class, today we will be taking a trip to the astronomy tower. We will be attending class there for a couple weeks to get a larger understanding of my class as I see most of you are failing" the professor said and I held in a laugh and looked at Fred for his reaction. But instead he was talking to Angelina. I couldn't believe him. One moment he expressed his feelings and the next he's dating another girl.

"Miss Crest" the professor said as I looked away from Fred.

"Please stop looking at that happy couple and pay attention" with an annoyed face she averted her eyes to Fred and Angelina as he looked at me with a sad smile. He didn't move his gaze off me but I moved over to Neville and started walking to the astronomy tower. I was so embarrassed and couldn't bring myself to talk to Fred the rest of the day.

"Your wrong it's three drops of rose blood" I took the vile out of Grants hand and tried to add it to the potion but instead he grabbed my hand and pulled it away.

"You little shit it says right here "one drop of boiled rose blood slowly stirred in" so stop being so annoying and listen to the book" he said with an annoyed face.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay it says that but that would result in a thin yellow liquid. We need a think purple liquid"

He looked at me and shook his head.

"Just trust me" as I dropped in three drops and the liquid turned purple. His mouth was open and he looked at me amazed.

"How did you do that" eyes wide open stirring the potion Snape walked over to test if it was correct.

"Well done, you were the only group to succeed" he walked away and I started cleaning up.

"Your insane you know that right. I mean that could have ended up in an explosion" Grant looked at me.

"I used to love potion class so I used to make advanced potions and try to perfect them"

"Do you think you could help me study for the exams coming up? My father would kill me if I failed" I was hesitant at his question but the hufflepuff in me couldn't say no.

"I guess so. Just meet me me in the library during dinner tonight . It's the only time I can before the test next week"

"Thank you so much" he walked off and I I instantly regret what I said.

I sat in the library waiting. I was a little early so I could set up some books and . I was surprised to see him walk in. He was never early.

"I didn't think you'd be here this early" I said confused.

"I was just- umm- excited to see you, that's all" he said with a nervous laugh. I looked at him with a smile and furrowed my brows getting out a quill and ink for Grant to use.

I actually had a nice time. He was focused and it seemed like he genuinely wanted to get a good grade on the exam. I was impressed.

As the time went on he started acting sweet to me. He would tell corny jokes and asked me questions about myself. I was starting to think that the whole "big bad Slytherin" wasn't the only thing about him. There was more. I could tell he wanted to be a genuine person.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Fred and Angelina. It isn't fair. If only he let me show him how I felt none of this would have happened. It felt like I was a piece of dust on a self that he was trying to blow away.

Lonely and heartbroken to be exact.

I looked over to Grant as he helped me start putting textbooks away. It was getting late.

"Hey are you ok" Grant said worried.

"Yah I'm fine, it's just-" I hesitated to express my emotions to him. He wouldn't care if I told him anything about myself.

"Go on. I won't judge. Some say I give good advice" he said smiling as he rest his hand upon mine and looked me into the eyes. At that moment I was sure I didn't like him the way I liked Fred. I didn't get butterflies. My throat didn't become dry. But I needed to talk to someone. I needed to be held and feel safe in someone's arms. And because Fred can't do that anymore- would it be so terrible to resort to Grant?


"It's not that interesting" I insisted.

"I won't push you to tell me about whatever's going on but I want you to know that you can talk to me" he said in a sweet voice. Why was he suddenly acting so nice?

"Thanks. We should catch up another time. Maybe after my quidditch game this weekend" I grabbed my bad and threw it over my shoulder.

"Oh yes your the quidditch queen now after last weekends game. But that sounds great, I'll see you then" as he walked out with his notes and an advanced textbook I lent him.

I had a weird feeling hanging out with Grant wasn't the best idea but that's exactly what my emotionally vulnerable brain was telling me to do.

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