5 Days Before

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Gideon is running around trying to find the perfect gift to celebrate their two months but he can't think of anything Dai might want. She's a very simple person and sometimes that makes it harder. He knows she loves school and helping others but there isn't much more.

He thinks about spending a day helping people who need it or maybe donating food for an organisation but all that seems to not be connected to Dai.

Just like that he realizes, connected, he wants to be connected to Dai. That's the perfect gift and maybe then she'll love him.

Gideon almost jumps from excitement but he contains himself so that people don't stare at him. He can't believe he just figured out the perfect gift.

Dai is on her classes right now but she can't help but let her mind drift off into what is she going to give Gideon. She doesn't know many of his likings since he doesn't talk much, but she can bet she saw some books about real crime stories on his room and that might be a good gift idea. She also can't stop thinking about that day a few weeks ago when Gideon asked her if she loved him, she didn't know what to say so she said what she thought would sound nicer, she hopes he didn't get hurt by her answer. It's not like she doesn't love him, she just didn't have the courage to say it in that moment. Maybe that's what she should do, she has to build up her courage and just tell him. Dai just found the perfect gift. 

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