1 Day Before

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Gideon was going to see his best friend today. He was so annoyed. He hadn't seen him in forever and he wanted to keep it that way, he always felt judged when he went to see him and he always made weird questions. Nonetheless he went. When he got there, as usual he had to wait. That was another thing he didn't understand, how could someone manage their time so poorly?

He was already close to furious when his friend showed up.

"Hello, Gideon. I apologize for the waiting." He always said that, probably didn't mean it.

"How have you been doing?"

"I am okay, upset to be here but you could already guess that." Gideon answered.

"I know you don't hear it very much but I just want to see you well."

He always told me this but every time I got out of here, I felt weird and exhausted.

"Yeah, I know and before you ask. I have officially stop eating candies. Isn't that great? I even threw them away so that Dai wouldn't think less of me. Speaking of Dai, tomorrow we're going on an amazing date. I think she is the one." Gideon ranted dreamily.

"Gideon, I think it's best if you spend the night at my place, just to clear your head." How could he suggest something like that when he had just said he was going to have such an important date. Gideon was done with the way his friend treated him.

"No, I told you I wasn't going to do that again" With that said, Gideon stormed out and went home. 

Tomorrow would change a lot of things but Gideon was not nervous, he was excited. He just hoped everything would turn out as expected.

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