2 Days After

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He was still taking care of me; I wonder when will he get tired and what will he do then. Will he burn my body, or maybe bury it somewhere no one knows about, I don't know but I guess I will find out when the time comes.

Today was a quiet day, he once again didn't leave the house but this time he spent less time with me. He was watching the news and playing games, but he wasn't with me like yesterday. Although I shouldn't, I miss his touch, I miss the gentle way his fingers run through my hair and the sweets words that always left his mouth. Maybe he is getting bored, maybe I'll be free soon.

I always thought there was more in afterlife than just this, I didn't exactly believe in Heaven or Hell, but definitely didn't imagine that I would just be able to watch my killer/lover every day, all the time. Maybe it's because I'm newly-deceased? Beetlejuice hasn't showed up yet so.

I like that he is taking care of me but I wished someone else knew, I wish there was someone who would miss me enough to notice I'm not there anymore. 

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