Chapter 11

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"Diggy...I...I.." I was speechless. I was caught, and honestly I didn't know how to get myself out.

"Nyla...what in the fuck are you doing here?!" Diggy exclaimed. Cole stepped in front of me, pushing me behind him. "Look youngin', it isn't what you think, I promise. She just came over-" "I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!!" Diggy interrupted Cole. He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Dig, I don't wanna talk about this if you have any animosity towards me-" "Good, then let's not." Then, Dig grabbed his gun out his pants and shot Cole, clean through his chest. "AHHHHHH FUCK!!" Cole yelled. My eyes were wide with fear, I didn't know what to do. "DANIEL WHAT THE HELL?!" I yelled at him. "NYLA YOU CAN'T SAY SHIT TO ME RIGHT NOW! JUST GET YOUR SHIT AND LET'S GO!" I hesitated for a second. I mean, he just shot someone right before my eyes, right in front of me. For the first time ever, I was questioning my trust in Diggy.

"N-N-No..." I said wearily. He squinted his eyes and started walking towards me, causing me to back up as he inched closer. "What did you say?" He asked me. I stopped moving and looked down to see Cole on the ground, lifeless. I really wish it didn't have to end this way. "Diggy, we can't just...just leave him here! We have to do something!" I said. "Where did all these feelings come from, huh? Where's the careless Nyla with the 'don't give a fuck' attitude? You feel bad for this nigga or something?" He asked. "I still have that attitude! But killing someone for some shit beyond their control is ruthless!" "I ha-wait, what?" He said. "Beyond his control? What are you talking about?" He asked me. I began to shed tears as I started to talk, but was interrupted by Russy running in grabbing at Diggy's arm. "Dan c'mon man we gotta go!! 5-0 is 3 blocks away!!" He yelled running out. He turned towards me and reached for my hand. "Baby...please we gotta go. We're talking when we get home whether you like it or not." He said giving me a stern look. I nodded and grabbed my purse, then we ran out the back together.


He threw my bags he packed out onto the concrete in front of his home...our home.
"Get your shit & get the fuck off my property, I don't wanna see your triflin' ass around her no more!" Diggy yelled at me.

"But Dig, where am I suppo---"


I saw the other girls walk up from the house behind Diggy, watching me as I sat in my fictional puddle of lies. Mersades looked at me & mouthed "Just go, I love you" and blew me a kiss, but made sure he didn't see her.

I nodded and got up from the ground & saw blood dripping from my nose onto my dress & the ground. I used to be his #1 girl, his bottom bitch. How could I let it get this far? The things I did for the love of money.....

I shot up from my bed, breathing hard as hell. Beads of sweat was forming on my forehead. "This has got to stopped happening..." I whispered to myself. That was my 4th time this week having a dream like that, and it freaked me out that I didn't know what they meant either. Was I afraid of betraying Diggy? I didn't even remember going to sleep. I looked at the clock and read the time. 11:34 PM. I dragged myself out of bed and walked to the bathroom, grabbing a towel on the way to start my shower. I turned the light on and just stared at myself for a couple of seconds, just studying my face. I looked so....drained. I felt drained. Then, Diggy walked in. I automatically tensed up when he stood behind me. I've never done that before.

"Where is everyone?" I asked. "Shifts. They won't be back until 3. I let you have your time to rest or whatever but now, I need answers Nine. We need to talk, right-fucking-now." He told me. "What if I'm not ready to talk?" I said making eye contact with him in the mirror. I don't know where this act of courage came from but I knew I was pushing it. Diggy hated being talked back to. But I was different, and I didn't give two shits how he felt at this point to be quite honest. I was fed up, I wasn't sure if I wanted this life any more. He turned me around, we were now face to face. "Nyla. I'm not gonna ask you again, I need an understanding." He said. I huffed and turned to walk out to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed, and soon Diggy followed suit. "Okay, the real reason, and only reason why I was over Cole's house was to get some answers. Since he was Gianna's former pimp I figured he knew more about her than anyone else. We were talking about her until he told me something he wasn't suppose to say to me...." I paused. Diggy moved his hand in a forward movement. "Okay, elaborate...?" He said. "He told me that Gianna was paying him off to take over your territory, so that she could switch out from your empire to his and eventually take it as her own." I forced out speedily. He looked at me with a look of resentment, like he regretted ever trusting Ghost. "" He stumbled. He shook his head from side to side. "Daniel, I'm really sorry. I promise I didn't know anything." I said, touching his hand in a form of comfort. He looked up at me and put his other hand on top of mine. "It isn't your fault." He said. He arose from my bed and walked out, leaving me in the same spot.

So where do we go from here?


Heyyyyy y'all (:
Sorry for not updating last week. I'm really going to push myself to put out another chap on time this Thursday as well.

Someone told me today that they really enjoyed my book, and that really motivated me to continue to write. I know she's going to read this too, this chapter is dedicated to you(:  (thank you so much!)

Song of the week:
Hozier- Take Me To Church


For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now