Chapter 21: Part 2: Finale

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My next move had to be well planned out. My motives were to find out who was the victim of betrayal was within my team.

I called Spin for a team meeting. We set it up and had it scheduled for later on tonight.

"Nine!!" I called from the living room. I heard her in the kitchen, probably making lunch. She switched from around the corner with a dish towel in hand. She stood in front of me with her free hand on her hip. "Yeah babe?" She answered.

"I called for a meeting tonight. Make sure the girls are prepared and ready."

"Alright, what's the meeting for?" She questioned.

"I got a call from the connect saying someone within my team is being untrustworthy. I need to get to the bottom of this problem, and quick."

I rubbed down my face and got up from the couch. I had a lot of last minute preparations to do before we had to leave. There's always an issue, swear if it's not one thing it's another.


A few hours later (1 hour before the meeting)

I was standing in front of the mirror and washed my face, preparing my skin for the make up I would apply. Before I could fully dry off my face, there was a knock at the bathroom door.

"It's Marie. Puedo entrar?"
"Si, por supuesto."

She opened the door, a look of nervousness evident across her face. Like I've said once before, Marie has been the only girl out of the rest of them that I've actually had a good relationship with. I'd do anything for this girl. But, she's low key kept a guard up since Digg and I made things official. I think it's because she thinks I'm gonna throw her under the bus if she gets in trouble. But that's assuming, and we all know what happens when you assume...

"Uh oh, what's wrong girl?" I asked her.

She rubbed her arms and leaned against the doorway. "Nyla I...I'm leaving."

"Okay...leaving what exactly?"


I paused for a couple of seconds, trying to process what she just told me.

"Like...for good?" I asked.

"Yes. I've found better--"

"What, like a better guy to work for?!"

"No Nyla!! A better lifestyle! I found love. Someone who accepted my current situation but wanted to take me out of it. He cares, Ny."

I tried to look at it from her perspective. Marie has been through a lot over these past years of being with Diggy, she deserves better. I got up to hug her, and it's like a wave of emotions rushed over the both of us as we cried on each other's shoulders.

"I don't wanna leave you, but I have to do what's best for me." She said sniffing.

"Don't worry about me, okay? I'll still be there if you need me. I love you girl."

"I love you more Hermosa." She said kissing my cheek. We let go of each other and she walked out the bathroom.

I took a deep breath and continued my make-up. Hopefully I'd be doing the same as her very soon.

The meeting

We arrived right on time. As we pulled in I recognized everyone's car in the driveway; Russy, Roger, Trey, and of course Spin's.

For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now