Chapter 18

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I couldn't watch.

My eyes were closed after I realized that I couldn't help Nine, hell I was tied to the fucking chair. It made me upset the more I thought about it.

But then, I heard three gunshots. I was confused as fuck, who had the gun?

I looked to the left of me to the door, finding my answer.

"Spin?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh shit! You good B?" He asked as he quickly ran over to untie me from the chair. I forced him off as best as I could, I wasn't the one he needed to be helping at the moment.
"Yo, fuck the ropes right now! Go check on Ny! She's unconscious!"
He nodded and quickly ran over to the other side of the basement.

He scooped her up from the floor after checking her out. "She still has a pulse, she's just knocked out. We gotta get her to a hospital, man." He said to me. He ran up the stairs to go put her in the car, the shortly returning to release me from the chair I was tied to.

"Bruh, we gotta go right now!" I said to Spin. He ran out before I did, but I hesitated for a second. I glanced at Gianna's lifeless body across the basement floor, a pool of blood surrounded under her head, a gunshot wound evident in the middle of her forehead. Damn.

It all would've ended so differently.


"Mommy! Can we go get ice cream for my birthday?" I heard a little girl ask. "Of course baby, let's go see if Daddy wants to go too." The lady responded. I watch the little girl and the woman walk into the living room of a home this scenario was taking place in, getting a man's attention.

It felt like I was watching a movie. I was on the outside looking in. I had this funny feeling, like déjà vu. I must be dreaming.

Then, it clicked: I was the little girl. And those were my parents....I didn't even recognize them. I didnt even recognize myself.

I watched them get into the car and drive off towards the ice cream parlor. I was sitting in the backseat right across from the younger me, while my Dad was driving & my Mom was of course in the passenger seat.

For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now