Chapter 19

306 13 4

3 months later


"Simmons! You got a call. 20 minutes and that's it, inmate." The guard warned me. I turned around with my hands behind my back through the hole on my door. The guard put my handcuffs on swiftly before realeasing them. They always make them so tight.

The gate buzzed loudly as my cell opened up. I walked out and down the hallway where the phones were to answer. I picked up to hear an angelic voice on the other line.

"Hello?" I answered.

" are you?" She asked me.

"Ny, I'm good. C'mon ma you call me almost every day, haha." I smiled into the phone.

"I can't help it, I miss you so much. I've been talking to the lawyer, he said he's doing as much as he can, but we have a pretty good chance of getting you off." She explained to me.


Nyla had just been discharged 2 days ago from the hospital. We were all hanging out on the couch downstairs.

"What do you guys want for dinner?" Nyla asked everyone.

"Anything sounds good, to be honest." Bentley answered.

"Take out it is then!" She said, grabbing a menu from this Chinese place we always go to.

We were all discussing what we wanted until the sound of the doorbell, followed by a hard knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said. I walked through the foyer, reaching for the doorknob and opening the door to find two police officers in front of me.

"Is there anything I can do for you, officers?"

"Yeah. Daniel Dwayne Simmons, you are under arrest for the murder of Gianna Garbanzo. You have the right to remain silent..." The first cop said slapping a pair of cuffs on my wrists after turning me around.

"Wait, what the fuck?! AYE NYLA!!" I yelled into the house. All of the rest of the girls came running after her to see what the fuss was about. "Oh my God Dig, what did you do?!" Fatima asked.

For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now