Chapter 12

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At this point, I was ready to stop.

After what happened tonight, I wasn't sure if this was what I wanted anymore. I really started to reevaluate my life. I was tired, and bored. I was sitting at the island in the kitchen when my phone vibrated on the counter. I looked at the screen and read Spin. I answered. "Yo.." "Aye man, what happened tonight? Why was Nyla at Cole's house?" He asked me through the phone. I rubbed my eyes in frustration, thinking about the situation again. "She told me that she wanted answers to why Ghost was after her, & come to find out, she was threatning Cole to take my territory so that she could take it as her own..." I spoke. He let out a huff. "That girl needs help. So where is she??" I sucked my teeth at his question. "I don't know, I kicked her ass out when her and Nine got into a fight. Haven't heard from her since." I said. "You need to find her, and fast. I know she still has a brother that stays in Brooklyn. Maybe he has some answers." He said. I nodded in agreeance. "Alright man, text me the address." "Ayo, take some back up. I don't know what that nigga is capable of, I would go but I've got my own empire to worry about. Be easy youngin'." Spin said hanging up.

I looked at my screen and read 1:48 AM. I got up to find Veveno and Fatima. Viv being the nosey person she is, I knew she might be a good partner to tag along, and Fatima was just for protection. She was the quiet one out of the group, but baby had hands when it came to defending herself. I walked upstairs and knocked on the door to the room they shared. "Come in." I heard Fatima say. I walked in to see all of them scattered around the floor; Veveno, Bentley, Ferrari, Mersades and Nine. What is this? Girls time? "Uh...Fatima, Viv, I'm gonna need y'all to go with me somewhere later in the day. It's urgent."I said to them. Bentley immediately cocked her head back with confusion. "The fuck? Why them? Why not the rest of us?" She yelled. I swear I was bout 3 seconds away from being on this girl like white on rice, but my instincts told me otherwise. She's still young, and ignorant. I just shook my head. "All I need is two, that's it. Be ready." And with that, I walked out.


Honestly, I was surprised Diggy had picked Veveno and I to go with him somewhere. Usually Nine would be his first choice, and most of the time his only choice. I was curious, and since we were all in the room together, why not take advantage of the opportunity?

"Um Nyla...why didn't Diggy pick you to go with him?" I said kinda slowly. She looked up at me & shrugged. "Maybe he wants to be distant for a while, it's not like he needs me all over him all the time anyways." She said. "Oh please, you know you and him have some type of relationship, besides business, with him more than any of us. And don't front!" Mersades said pointing in her face. Mersades was the quiet one out of our group. She didn't speak much, and she was kinda private. The only person she really talks to in the house is Nine. "Me? Oh please. I might do a little more work than the rest of you guys but its not like I'm his woman or anything." She said shaking her head in denial. "Nyla, when Diggy makes drops, who does he give the money to to put away?" I asked her. "Me..." "Right, because your the only one he trusts. Who's phone did he blow up when someone decided to pull a fucking Houdini on everyone on short notice?" "...Me..." "That's right, because you're the only one he cares about..." I mentally prepared myself for the next question I was gonna ask. "Who does he fuck the most out of all of us? On a daily?" She lifted her eyebrow and looked at me. "It isn't on a daily, okay? And what does that have to do with anything?" I slapped my forehead. She was so blind! "Can't you see that he wants you just as much as you want him?! Girl, face it. He loves you."


I thought my heart stopped fucking beating when she said that to me. All these thoughts immediately started going through my head. Did Diggy really love me?

For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now