Chapter 13

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I woke up around 11:00 later that morning. I dragged myself out of bed and walked towards my ensuite bathroom. I turned on the shower and stripped from my Joe Boxer's. I stepped in when I felt the water on a moderate tempurture. I let the water hit my skin, relaxing my muscles. I started to think about all the shit I went through this past month. Between Nyla and all these "secret meetings" with people I've told her countless  times to not trust and stay away from, I don't even know who she is anymore. I thought back to Ghost and how she betrayed me. But deep down, I knew it would happen sooner or later.

I finally decided to get out after my fingers started to prune. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist, then walked towards my closet, picking up my IPhone 6 on the way. I texted the girls just to make sure they were up and ready.

             To: Veveno, Ferrari
You guys better be ready by the time I'm done.

             From: Veveno
Can't, stomach is hurting. Maybe another time?

             From: Ferrari
Xavier just called and asked me to meet him at his house for something important. Can I take a rain check?

I rubbed my hand down my face in frustration, knowing what I had to do. If they couldn't make it, that left Mersades and Bentley, and I sure as hell wasn't gonna take Bentley so she can mouth off. I texted back saying sure and finished getting dressed. I put on a white tee, a pair of black and grey joggers, and my Retro Oreo 6s, still fresh out the box. I grabbed my wallet and phone, then walked out my room down to the kitchen, seeing the clock on the stove read 12:07 pm. I grabbed a water bottle out the fridge, twisted off the cap and gulped it down. Then, Nyla walked in.

"Morning..." She said. "Its past noon, sweetheart." I responded. She gave me a side eye and sucked her teeth. "You know what I mean damnit." She said beginning to wash the dishes. I chuckled lowly then changed the subject. "So um, Veveno and Ferrari has other plans for today. I need you to go with me to Brooklyn to see about Ghost's brother." I said. She turned around from the sink to look at me. "Okay. Give me bout...10 minutes." She said. I nodded then walked to the living room to sit down on the couch. Time passed and Nine came cascading down the stairs, sunglasses on and purse in hand. "Let's roll out."


Since Diggy forgot his keys when we got outside, we took my truck. I hopped in the drivers seat, while he took the passenger. "Looks like you keep your gift in good shape." He said buckling his seat belt. I slid on my sunglasses and started the truck, then pulling out the driveway, speeding off. "I've never been a dirty person, Daniel." "I didn't mean it like that, I was just...never mind man." He shook his head. I giggled then glanced over once making it out of the neighborhood. "I was kidding, chill." He gave me a side eye like I did earlier, basically getting back at me. I plugged up my iPhone, clicking my Spotify app & choosing Shuffle mode. 10 Bands by Drake started playing, I automatically started bobbing my head.

For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now