Chapter 17

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I didn't know what to feel at that moment.

I didn't know if I was angry or afraid, about my car being stolen or Daniel being kidnapped.

Police and an ambulance showed up shortly after what happened. No one was injured, thank goodness. But whoever the culprits were aiming for, they sure as hell got it coming.

I thought about reporting my missing truck and Dig's kidnapping to one of the cops, but then I laughed at myself. It really didn't make any sense, why would I report a kidnapping for a kingpen?! They might as well throw the handcuffs on my wrist right then and there.

I was sitting on the curb waiting to be picked up by one of the girls. I was outside of the building for at least 30 minutes by now. "Got damn, one of them should've been here by now, what the fuck!" I semi-yelled. An older woman looked over and stared at me while she covered her kid's ears. "Boo bitch! Problem?!" I said while making a face. She let out a tough "Ugh!" And turned around to walk off. I am not the one to fuck with when I'm upset, do not test me.

Finally after ages of waiting, I see Fatima's Mersades pull into the parking lot. I walked up to the door and opened it to hop in the front seat. "Where the fuck were you?! Gosh, I was waiting forever!" I yelled at her. "Excuse me?! I could put your ass out right here if you'd like, I didn't have to come pick your unappreciative ass up! What happened to a 'hey Fatima, what's up, nice to see you still living' greeting, damn." She said. I let out a long sigh and slouched in my seat. "I'm sorry Tima, its just that everything happened so quickly, so many things could've been prevented..." I trailed off. She glanced over while focusing on the road. "It isn't your fault, Ny. I hope you know that." She said. I nodded and looked out the window.

I started thinking about how I needed to put this plan in motion. I dialed up the only back up I would ever need.

"Yo! Who this?"
"Spin...we got a problem..."


Cold water splashed against my face, waking me from my trance. I looked around, registering my surroundings, trying to catch my breath. It looked like I was sitting in a basement of some sort. But it was like a casual basement, like someone lived here....

"Look at me, bitch." A womanly voice said.
I followed where I heard the voice come from. I couldn't believe my eyes.



I smacked Daniel hard against his face. "Did I say speak?!" I yelled. I looked at him as if he was the scum of the earth. The fury I had built up over time was being released right now.

"I'm so happy to see you finally suffer. After all I've done for you! You kicked me to the curb!"
"You disrespected me and my empire! Don't talk about what you've done, you haven't done shit!" He retorted.
"SHUT UP! you will not talk to me like that!" I yelled backhanding him one good time. He seized up from the slap and gave me a death stare.

I made some connections a while ago to set this little kidnapping. I had my old friend Sam from back home pull some strings for me, he owed me for covering up for him a while ago.

My phone started to ring in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the name. Speaking of the devil. "Look, I'm going to take a phone call, don't try no sneak shit." I warned him. I walked upstairs, locking the door in the process. . "Yeah..." I answered.
"Did you get him?" Sam asked through the line. "Yeah I did, why wassup?" I asked.
"Nothing, just making sure. When this money gone come through though?" He asked me. "Hey, don't worry about the fuckin' money okay? Let me handle him first then I'll think about cutting a check for you." I snapped. "Yeah, whatever." He said. And with that I hung up. I hate doing business with greedy people like him. One thing about Sam is that once you tell him he's getting something in return, he doesn't turn it down nor forget about it. And I believe that's fair, I just don't like anyone being on my back about it.

I dialed up Trey to see where he was.
He answered on the first ring. "Gianna where the fuck you been?! I've been trying to call you all day!!" He practically howled into the speaker. "You've been trying to call me all day? Trey I have had absolutely no missed calls or text messages from you today. So tell another lie so I can hit you with facts." I proved to him. He always wanna come at me sideways, I don't play that shit.
"Look, I'm just worried. Are you home?" He asked.
"Yeah, and I have a surprise once you get here too. A special someone you've been waiting on." I said. "Good, good. I'll be right there, bye baby." He said. "Bye babe."

I made my way back downstairs to check on punk ass Daniel.
"You better not have tried anything, cause I swear I'll fuck you up Simmons." I told him.

"How bout you try pulling that shit on me?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I then felt the cool metal barrel of a gun touch the back of my neck, pushing me forward. I already knew who it was.

"Nine, oh what a pleasent surprise! I've been waiting on this..." I said smiling.
She frowned at me as I turned around to face her with the pistol pointing right to the middle of my forehead.
"Ghost, I know what you want. You're not gonna kill me or him, okay? Give it up already. Your time is up." She explained to me. I chuckled heartily. "You really think I give a fuck about you anymore? I realized a long time ago that you weren't shit. Never will be shit, I don't care." I said. "That's fine, but just know if it comes down to it, I will shoot you." She said.
"How did you even get in my house?" I asked.
"Your window to the basement was cracked, dumbass."

After that, I lost it. I quickly charged at her, making sure to knock the gun out her hand, out of reach.
"NYLA GET HER!!" Diggy yelled.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP DANIEL!" I yelled while slapping her across the face. She pushed me off and tried to scramble for the gun, but I hopped on her back, pulling her up by her neck.

"Give it up Ny, its all over. You and your little boyfriend over there is gonna lose everything. Say goodbye.." I said to her. She was slowly slipping out of consciousness, gasping for air.


I felt a sharp pain in my lower back. Everything after that went black.


Okay you guys, we're getting to the climax of the story! I'm so happy from the feedback I've been getting lately, I truely am.

Don't forget to vote, comment & share please! Thank you all so much!

Song of the week:
Be Real by Kid Ink & Dej Loaf



For the love of Money: A Diggy Simmons FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now