"I've Lost Her."

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Peggy's POV

I wish she didn't have to leave. Why was everything so complicated? How on earth did I get myself into this?
I remained on the bed, naked as the day I was born, contemplating all my life choices that could've possibly cause me to be in this situation.
It was never until Rose did I realise that I had feelings towards women...well, maybe Dottie. It's so hard to remember all the time that Rose isn't Dottie. Ugh. This is so hard.
I wish I was with Rose, I could've given her everything. Luisa doesn't even know what she has.
I threw the covers off my body and covered my face with my eyes. Could this get any worse?
Apparently it could.
Luisa burst into my room before I could cover myself, and for a second, stood in shock.
"Wh-why are you naked?" She made no move to turn away so I quickly covered myself with the blankets once more.
"Thanks for the privacy Luisa." I tried in my nicest tone, seeing that the woman before me was the root of half my problems.
"What did you do to Rose?"
My heart sank. Did she know? If she did, what is Rose going to do to me to make Luisa happy? Did Luisa do something?
"I beg your pardon?"
"She left the port." Luisa slammed the door behind her.
"Okay..? I don't understand what you're getting on about?"
"She left before I could say bye to Rafael. She always used to ask me if I was ready, or if I wanted something else. She didn't."
"Oh, so you're upset she wasn't your little slave girl?" I scoffed. Of course this is what Luisa was mad about. I stood up from the bed, used my blanket as a towel and made my way across to the closet.
"Excuse me?! I just wanted to see my brother one more time!"
I yanked open the closet door and grabbed a random jumper before hurrying to the bathroom and throwing it on.
I came back in a rage.
"From what I've heard from Rose, he didn't want to see you."
"Rose...told you what?" Her voice was softer, but all the more menacing.
"Nothing, forget it."
"Did you kiss her?" Luisa was now staring at me dead in my eyes. Where did that question even come from?! Did I give something away somehow?
I knew the wrong answer would get me killed. It was either I lie, or I tell the truth.
The voice in my head reasoned.
Technically YOU never kissed HER. It wouldn't be lying if you said no.
"I swear to god Peggy Carter if you are lying to me I will have your body at the bottom of the ocean feeding the fish."
"Luisa, I never kissed her."
Oh god please, I can't be stuck in this room with this mad woman.
"Luisa?" The door opened carefully. "Luisa I've been looking for you around the whole ship, what are you doing...here..." Rose entered but quieted as she saw Luisa's red face with tears in her eyes. Her gaze travelled to me and I saw a spark of fear.
She thinks I told her.
"Luisa, I-"
"Rose I was just explaining to her that nothing's going on between us, and the fact that you left port has nothing to do with me."
Her face relaxed.
"Luisa, I left because it was dangerous. Piper is still out for me, you know that. There's no way Rafael would've ever come with us. And to be frank, I don't want him with us."
"He's my brother."
"He celebrated my death."
I stood there and watched the altercation unfold. I stayed silent. They continued to argue back and forth until,
"Rose, I can't do this. I need a break from this." Luisa turned away from Rose, and faced the door, ready to leave.
My eyes widened.
"...what?" I heard the crack in Rose's voice. It broke my heart. It made my blood boil. How could she not see everything Rose has been through for her?
"Luisa I have a question for you."
"What Rose?" Luisa's hand rested on the door knob.
"Me, or him."
"Don't make me do that Rose."
"Answer." Rose's voice was chilling. I felt fear rush through my spine and took a step back, I didn't want any of this taken out on me. "You know what? Me or Jane, Me or Mateo. ME OR ANY OTHER FUCKING SOUL ON THIS PLANET LUISA!"
"Luisa I put you above everyone. Why, why can't you choose me? I've been to hell and back for you. So why?"
"Rose I just need to think. You know when I thought you were dead the first time, and I was with Susanna, I was happy. I was free. I felt relieved. But when you came back I was trapped all over again."
The air was thick with Luisa's words and a heavy silence hung, I didn't dare breathe.
"I was Susanna. You were happy with me."
"No, I thought it wasn't you, and the relief was there."
And you know what Luisa? I'm relieved," Rose's voice shook with anger, "I'm relieved I fucked Carter last night. I'm relieved that just like you have Rafael and every other FUCKING person on this planet to choose over me, I have someone who's in my corner. At least one."
My mouth hung open...she didn't. She would never-
"You what." Luisa's voice trembled. "You know what Rose? Fuck you."
"Leave that to Peggy."
The door slammed shut.
Rose turned on her heal and ran to me, enveloping me in a hug and began to shake with tears.
"What did I just do Peggy? I've lost her."
What did I get myself into?

Hey...it's meee
So I know I've been much less than active but school has been on my ass and depression is a bitch but I recently got a new follower who's comments have made me smile and have given me motivation to write more. I know this chapter was short but I promise to try and continue.
Thank you @bechloe0608
For all the comments you've left, you really gave me motivation

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