"What. The. Fuck."

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~Luisa's POV~

I can't breathe properly. It feels like my lungs are fucking collapsing and my brain can't function. I went into that argument with my guns blazing. How did it end up like this? I thought she would apologise, that we'd go through the usual shit where we don't talk for maybe a day at most but....she snapped. She just, she yelled at me. She's never gotten so aggressive and honestly, it scared me. The worst part about it was that I knew, I knew deep down she was making sense. That Rafael never treated me like an equal and never showed me compassion unless I proved myself or showed that I was of some use to him.
Honestly as soon as I left the room I wanted to run back, but I know she would've just ignored me. So I walked the halls of the submarine before finally deciding to make one final effort to him. If he didn't take it, I would finally give up on him, cut him out of my mind. Become numb to him and just leave him to be. If Rose decides to kill him after, that would be on him for not trusting me and not letting me in. I could've warned him, maybe. But let's see how it plays out.
With my mind set, I left the sub, walked off the docks, and ordered one of the drivers to take me to the house.

Within fifteen minutes I was there. Parked up outside the white and blue complex where Jane, Rafael and Mateo lived. I looked up to the window and saw Rafael, pulling a shirt over his head, maybe he was getting ready to go to work? I don't know. But I know that could wait. If I mattered to him, this would take some sort of priority. 
I hurriedly exited the vehicle and knocked impatiently on the door. After what had happened, I wasn't looking to get kidnapped again.
The door handle twisted and opened. But instead of my brother, Xiomara opened the door. Her face turned into a scowl and she rolled her eyes.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, no greetings? Fine.
"I want to speak to Rafael." I stated, it came out much more cowardly that I wanted it to, but there was no fixing that now.
"Haven't you done enough? Honestly?" She looked me up and down as though I was trash. It pissed me off.
"I'm allowed to see my brother. Please call him." I tried to maintain my composure as long as I could. She turned, closed the door and I heard footsteps retreating. It was about five minutes before the door opened once more.
"Luisa?" Rafael looked more confused than angry, at least there was that.
"Raf...I need to talk to you abou-"
"Lu, not right now okay?" He interrupted. "I really have to get to work."
"Luisa for Christ's sake please," he pushed past me and began walking to his car.
I was left dumbfounded on his front porch. Why didn't I expect this from him? Why do I always have these high hopes?
"I have information on Rose." I called out after him.
And guess what.
He stopped dead in his fucking tracks. That's what made my blood boil. Of course that's what would make him turn around.
"What do you mean? She said she was leaving for good and you were supposed to go with her," he walked back to me. "What information do you have? Is my son in danger?"
I simply stared at him, trying to comprehend all the emotions just wanting to depart from my soul and slap in him the face.
"LUISA!" He pulled me out of my trance. "This is not the time to go in your drunken state! Have you been drinking? You have haven't you. I expected it to happened but not so soon again, god. Can you please just tell me what the bitch is planning to do now?"
"No." I stated flatly and began walking away. But he grabbed my arm and held me in place.
"Luisa you're not leaving until you tell me if my family is safe." His grip tightened around my arm.
"You're hurting me Rafael." I squirmed as I attempted to pull myself out of his grasp.
"Luisa, tell me now."
I reached in my waistband with my free hand and pulled out the handgun Celia had given to me, aiming it at his stomach, the safety was on, but he didn't know that.
"Let me go. Rafael."
His grip immediately loosened and he stared at the barrel of the gun.
"You'd shoot me?"
"No. Just please let me leave. Whatever happens now is your fault. If you would've just let me in."
I walked away from him and back into the car, finally allowing the tears to fall.
"Where to Miss Alver?" The driver asked softly.
"Remember that mental institution that Rose may have asked you to take her to? A couple years back?" I asked.
"Yes, I've been her driver for a long while, I believe I do."
"Please take me there."
"Yes, Miss Alver."
The only friend I knew I could trust was there. I knew I could tell her everything. Simply because, she doesn't speak.

When I arrived I hurriedly made my way to the front desk and asked to see her. I was guided through the long corridors until I finally arrived at the door, I opened it and smiled at my old friend.
"Betty." I grinned. It was so good to see a familiar and friendly face. Her neutral features quickly changed to those of happiness and she mouthed out "Lui....sa."
I was the closest one to getting her to talk, in the time I had, before Rose came back, I used to visit her quite a bit. In that time she started therapy and I've been helping her along the way, her progress is impressive, she's found her own ways of communicating.
"I need some help...I was wondering if you're up to giving me some advice?" I asked.
She tilted her head slightly to the side, and looked at me questioningly. I knew it meant yes. She patted beside her on the bed and I allowed myself to collapse onto it.
I lay back and recounted all of the events I had gone through within the past...week? That's insane. It felt almost as though it was a month or two.
By the time I sat up again, Betty was staring at me, her facial features plastered in amazement and amusement at the same time. I nudged her,
"It's not funny you know." She burst out in silent laughter. "What should I do Bets?" I asked, hoping she'd give helpful advice, she doesn't talk, that doesn't mean that she can't think and offer a helpful word or two. Well it does but that's obviously not what I mean.
She raised a hand and began touching her fingertips together, opening and closing them repeatedly. Then she took one hand and slowly dragged it down in the air. Finally, she touched her heart. To any other person, you'd think it's the signs of insanity. But I know Betty, and she told me to talk softly to her. To speak calmly and from my heart. If Betty believes I should try again with Rose, when she knows the whole story, then that's what I'm going to do. Betty hasn't been wrong in her advice before, and I don't think she'll be wrong now.

I ran back to the car, I finally knew what I needed to do. The longer I thought about it, the more I understood what I need to do. All this time, we were yelling, screaming at each other. We need to explain our sides, get each other's perspective. We've been doing it wrong but I'm ready to fix this. But first I need to put myself in Rose's shoes, so I thought it over on the car ride back to the submarine. And I know how I'm going to fix this. It's dark already, so I check the watch. 10:00? Have I really been out so long? It doesn't matter, I know Rose will work it out with me. No matter the time I know she'll be there for me, she always was. I scampered down the halls, and to her room.
"Rose! I have something I need to tell you! I'm ready to hear it from your s-"
She isn't here? Her bed was wrinkled, she'd gotten out of bed? Already? She was so weak the last time I saw her. Where is she? Did something happen to her? I dashed throughout the halls, searching for her, the panic I had only rose with each passing empty room.  She was nowhere to be found. There was only one room left, Rose always said it was storage, or just not to go in there, so I never thought anything of it. Why would she even be there? But it's the last place she could be. I burst through the door and that's when I stopped dead in my tracks.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed out, unable to remove my eyes from the sight before me.

HEYYY guys! I know last time I told y'all I would be taking the break after two chapters, but I took my break and I'm ready to get back at it again! Expect at least once chapter per week, if I'm feeling good it'll be two or three!
Sorry this one was short and I know I've been trying to keep my 1700 word marker but it's dropped to 1500:(
Beware, the next chapter...I don't even know how to describe it honestly. I hope you guys are safe and healthy! See you next chapter!💗💞

A Second Chance. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon