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~Rose's POV~

Half hour ago.

I took the chance that was offered to me when Celia appeared to make my getaway. I slipped into the shadows and quickly ran off to my room. The door was still shut and it was quiet, Luisa was asleep. She would be asleep for a while, god knows that woman can sleep. And since she's been so stressed, I honestly don't expect her to wake up until later on in the evening.
I leaned against the metal wall and allowed myself to slide to the floor. I hugged my knees to my head.
What did you do Rose? Why did you let her do that?!
The worst part about all of it was the guilt. The fact that Luisa was asleep, in blissful ignorance.
Well actually, the worst part might be that....I'm still attracted to Peggy. If anything, I want her even more now. I just want to feel her lips one more time. She and I were almost opposite. I killed people for my gain, she saved them at her expense. Yet our fiery personalities are what we share in common. They click so easily and fit so perfectly that when we came together it felt so right.
But it was wrong. I know it was wrong. But I can't go back to Luisa until I figure out what on Earth is happening to me. I sat there on the floor, contemplating what I should do, for what felt like an eternity.
But I knew deep down what I needed to do.
I didn't want to, but I know I have to confront Peggy about what happened, and establish that it cannot happen again.
I dragged myself to her room, I knew where she was staying, because I had quietly mentioned it to Celia before we went to the top of the sub.
When I got there I knocked, but there was no answer, so I slowly opened the door.
I peaked in and realised that there was no one in the room, just a pile of clothes on the floor.
She must be bathing.
She probably took her things with her in there so I guess I'll just wait outside for her.

It was at least five minted before the door handle turned and Peggy stepped out.
"Ah!" I jumped up and turned around faster than I thought I could've. "I'm sorry! I thought you would've changed in there! I didn't think you'd come out butt naked!"
"Rose! I left my towel in the trunk but what the hell are you doing in here?! Why didn't you knock!" I heard the chest open and thunk shut.
"I'm sorry I just came to talk...I didn't think you would've-"
"It's fine, forget it." She sighed. "You can turn around, but please close the door and lock it so no one else decides to wander in."
I hurried to shut the metal door and to my dismay, locked it. This was not the ideal situation.
"We need to talk about what happened." I kept my back turned to her. The less I saw her, the less my mind wandered to places it shouldn't.
"Turn around first." She stated.
"I don't think that's a good idea-"
"Turn around."
Despite that tiny voice warning me this wasn't going to end well, I turned to face her.
God was she beautiful.
Her thick wavy brown hair stuck to shoulders and cascaded off of them, before the rest of the length was obscured by the towel which she held around her chest. Her light skin retained droplets of water which ran down her face, down her neck, and past my view.
I reluctantly brought my gaze back up to her eyes.
"You want to talk about what happened? Fine, let's talk." Peggy, at a startling speed, began closing the gap between us. The voice in the back of my head began blaring alarms, telling me to get the fuck away before she does what she did last time. I moved as quickly as I could, and walked backwards until I felt a firm mattress behind me.
Fuck. Of course.
I sat on the bed, looking up into Peggy's eyes. She stood directly in front of me, her dark brown eyes piercing into mine, refusing to budge from their fixation. It caused me to squirm in my seat once more.
"You kissed me-" I tried to start.
"And you kissed back."
"Yes but I can't do that....Luisa she-"
"Is asleep and the kiss isn't going to happen again right? You don't want it to so it won't. And that's that. You can choose to tell her if you want. Blame it on me too, tell her you pushed me off immediately. And that you'll have me sent away. Tell her I made all the advances, which is true to be fair, and I kissed you unexpectedly. But in a flash you pushed me off and didn't kiss me back once." She lowered herself and leaned forward, bringing our faces closer together, just like on top the sub. This isn't going to end well at all.
Just like before, I wanted to tell her to move, that she was too close. But at the same time I didn't. I wanted her to continue. But I know this can't happen again. I can't let it, no matter how badly I want to indulge myself on her lips, I can't let that happen.
"But you and I both know you didn't." She whispered, a grin formed on her face. She knew what she was doing to me. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "You and I both know how desperately you pulled at me while I was on you. You and I both know you liked it more than you'd like to say."
She wanted this reaction from me. She wanted me to turn into the mess I do when someone speaks so roughly to me. But to hear her say it like that...it made me want her more. It made me want to smash my lips against hers and never part them. She was just so. fucking. sexy.
"Peggy whatever is between us can't happen again." I looked down, avoiding eye contact. If she got that, she would have me.
"Oh so there's something between us?" She asked, innocently.
Shit. No. Wrong phrasing.
"N-no I only meant that-"
"Right no, I get it. I won't touch you, I won't make advances and I won't kiss you again. If that's all then can you leave so I can change?"
For some reason I didn't want that. I wanted the playful banter where she tried to convince me of how badly I wanted her to continue. I liked that playfulness between us. It actually slightly annoyed me that she was ending it so quickly. I wanted to win the game.
"Oh, uh okay." I accidentally let my disappointment slip out a little. I knew by the change in her facial features she picked up on it.
She closed the gap between us, leaving just enough space so that I could close it if I wanted.
This bitch thinks she's going to win.
"Disappointed?" She pouted her lip. "If you don't want me to touch you, I won't."
Fuck, when she acts condescending towards me I couldn't help but get turned on. What the fuck is happening to my body?
"I d-" I stopped and took a breath before I continued. I needed to steady my breathing and control my thoughts, which were running wild. "I don't." It was almost a whisper.
"So," She started, "in no way are you physically attracted to me anymore and nothing can change your mind?"
"Right." I agreed.
"Great, cause I need to change." She dropped the towel. And my heart stopped. I could feel my eyes widen as I took in the sight before me.
She was so fucking well developed. Although she wasn't the complete hourglass shape (which I don't mind) her breasts were HUGE, I didn't think they could get that big and still look so good.
She was smooth everywhere, I take it she had just shaved. She looked delicious honestly.
Now, the tiny voice in my head was silenced and replaced by another. This one, this one told me things I liked much more. It told me to fuck it. Well...her.
Peggy began walking away and as soon as she gave me the back view I knew I couldn't help myself.
"Wait." I called out softly to her.
She turned slowly, and my eyes painfully followed her every movement. She smiled as she returned to her old position.
"Yes?" Her voice was low and it compelled me to listen.
"One more, one more and then we're done." I tried to make myself sound resolute.
"If you say so Darling." Her little nicknames for me always made my stomach flutter.
She quickly closed the space between us and I melted into the kiss immediately. She quickly returned to her old seat in my lap and I allowed my hands to grope and massage her as she held my face and pulled me deeper and deeper into the kiss. The urgency in the kiss quickly raised as it became sloppy, no longer soft and delicate.
I fell back onto the bed and took her with me. Her thigh was quickly planted between my legs and I knew she felt me as she pushed against me roughly causing a moan to escape my lips. She pulled back and smirked, that's when I knew this wasn't going to be just a kiss.
She leaned back in and grasped a fistful of my hair, close to my scalp and pulled my head back, before planting sloppy wet kisses down my now exposed neck.
She tugged at my shirt.
"Do you need this?" She asked, through heavy breaths.
I shook my head no.
She removed it at a startling speed and my bra came off even faster. She admired me as though she'd never seen another woman. I craved that.
She quickly came back up to my face, however.
"You're okay with whatever's about to happen, yeah?" She asked softly. Somehow she put away the hunger she felt to make sure I was okay. She amazed me.
"Yes." I looked from her eyes to her lips.
She peck me before pulling back once last time.


I woke up around twelve-ish next to Peggy.
Naked Peggy.
I looked down and I was naked too.
Great, so it wasn't a dream.
I tried to leave quietly but as soon as the bed ruffled she was awake.
"Where are you off to?" She pulled me back into her and spooned me.
"I-I have to get back to Luisa."
"Oh," she sounded slightly annoyed, yet slightly hurt. "Right no, of course."
"Peggy this was a one time thing. It won't happen again." I assured her.
"No I understand it's alright. I'll see you around Blusher."
I got up and quickly put my clothes on before leaving the room as silently as possible.
I got back to my own room and opened the door, Luisa lay asleep still. I threw my clothes into the hamper and quickly entered the shower, I couldn't have Peggy's scent on me.
God. She was amazing though.
Everything about her was amazing. But it can't, and won't happen again.
"Rose?" Luisa knocked on the bathroom door before she came in.
I heard a ruffle of clothes and the shower door was opened. She stepped in behind me and hugged me from behind.
The guilt nearly killed me.
"Hi baby," she smiled into my back. "How was your night? I woke up and you were gone, I fell back asleep though. I was pretty tired."
"Yes, I'm sorry about that, I had to speak to Celia. We've left the port by the way."
"What?" Luisa pulled away from me. I turned to face her, confused and frankly a little scared by the tone in her voice.
"I didn't get to say bye to Rafael....or anyone!"
"I thought you already went to see him I-"
"Yes but I know he would've apologised when I said we were leaving, and we wouldn't have had to leave! We have to go back, I'm sure he'll say sorry and he'll be okay with you after a little while of getting to know you. Trust me. How far back is Miami?" She asked urgently.
"Luisa we can't go back...it not safe for me, for you, not for anyone." I tried to hug her in an apology. There was no way I was going to let Piper get me again. There was no way I would risk my life for Rafael again.
"No," she pulled away. "You just don't want me to see my brother! You just want him gone so badly you wouldn't give us the chance to make up!"
"Luisa, no it's not like that I-"
She was out of the shower before I could continue. I sank to the floor of the shower and let the hot water trail down my body. Hot tears burned my cheeks as the rolled down, mixing in with the water.
Suddenly, the weight of the guilt I felt lifted tremendously.

I've been having like a burst of motivation, a writing spree, if you would call it that. Can't believe I crossed the 2000 word barrier tbvh.
Now I know a lot of you are confused and wondering what the fuck is happening. And I just want you to know,
So am I teehee.
I like to be surprised by the story as well, that's how I get such good paragraphs.
And please keep in mind, a story isn't a good story without a good conflict. Be patient with Rose, she conflicted. Luisa is being a bitch and Peggy, I honestly don't know what to say yet.
I've been trying to explore the characters psyche to help influence my writing. I haven't gone that far into Peggy yet but Rose and Luisa, I've learnt, are much more complicated than they may seem. So bare with me as they struggle themselves.
Stay safe and see you in the next chapter💕

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