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~Rose's POV~

Earlier that day

Luisa's been gone for half an hour. And I can't help but start to worry. I know she's upset but Piper is still out there. I decided to wait another half an hour before I go anywhere, and rethink what had just happened.
I must've dozed off, because when I opened my eyes again, it was half five in the afternoon. I gathered my now regained strength, dragged myself out of bed and left the room.
"Celia?" I called out into the corridors, she often monitored the cameras, so she should've heard me.
"Yes?" She appeared behind me, successfully scaring the shit out of me.
"God Celia don't do that to me." I chuckled. 
"Sorry Thorny." She winked, it was her nickname for me since we were kids. I always loved how comfortable she was around me, even when it came to Luisa, she was afraid of me after showing her my list, that still hurts. "I was walking around, just finished my monitoring shift actually. Are you ready to interrogate the prisoner?" She asked.
"Prisoner?" As far as I knew, we had none.
"We captured a woman, she was kneeling beside you when the guards found you."
"You captured her?" I asked, surprised Luisa hadn't told me earlier. But then again, she had other things occupying her mind.
"Yes, we have her in the interrogation room waiting."
My mind finally melted away from worrying about Luisa, a new form of excitement began to build up in my chest.
Before, I was Peggy's prisoner, she asked the questions and controlled the environment. Now, it's my turn. At least, it must be Peggy whim they've captured. There was no other "woman" to.
"Take me to her, please." I instructed Celia. She accompanied me as I hurried to the furthest room on the left, down the corridor.
She nodded to me as we arrived, then left to carry out her other duties. I opened the weighted metal door and slipped inside.
I found myself on the side of which the interrogators would stand and watch the prisoner be questioned. The screen in between the rooms however, was blackened, a feature I had specifically installed for special uses. One of the features, for example, would be to have one prisoner on one side, and one on the other, torture one and the one on the interrogators side would only hear screaming. Works like a charm.
Of course, the screen can become transparent if needed, but it's default was usually opaque. I preferred it like that. On the prisoners side, was a secret compartment in which the captive could hide or attempt to "escape." We only allowed our best prisoners to find that spot. They'd think they're getting away and I gives them hope. Then I get to crush it. When you take away hope, people give up at tell you lots of things.
"Anybody gonna come and talk or are you just gonna leave me here?" Peggy called out from the other side. It was her.
I opened the door to my right and walked in. Peggy was at the interrogation table, hands cuffed to the middle of it. She was seated in a metal chair with her ankles chained as well. No precautions were forgotten.
"My my, darling you do look quite stunning when you aren't starving and dehydrated. I must say." She charmed. It annoyed me how calm she was.
"Cut the flirty bullshit, Carter." I rolled my eyes. "I get to ask questions now."
"Why are you being so harsh?" She looked me up and down, "Thought we had a moment back there." She batted her eyes and pouted her lip, feigning hurt.
"Who's the 'SSR'?" I asked getting straight to the point. If I let her mess with my head, I wasn't going to get anything out of her.
Going to a nearby cabinet, I pulled out a switchblade. I myself knew there was no way I was going to scar or injure her, and obviously I couldn't kill her. It wasn't because I had any sort of soft spot for her. It's just I won't kill her. I can't for some reason. Something's stopping me from harming her and I don't know what it is yet. I'll find out soon though. And when I stop whatever it is, she'll be dead meat. She's too disrespectful to me.
"OooOoo, scary." She laughed.
In a second I was at her side, with the blade to her throat. I took the tip of the blade and dragged it up her throat, to her chin, gently guiding her head back until her throat was fully exposed. She stared at me with eyes full of defiance. "Cut my throat. Do it. I dare you Sin Rostro."  She smirked. It annoyed me how much of a game this was to her.
I took the blade and nipped her neck, causing a speck of blood to form. She rolled her eyes.
"You bore me sweetheart." She sighed. "The SSR is an organisation dedicated to stopping extremely violent forces the government isn't equipped to handle. We're the good guys."
"Then why were you working with Piper?" I questioned.
"I'm willing to negotiate that information." She thought for a second. "After every piece of information I give you, I want you to unlock a restraint from holding me down." She stared at me blankly. She was serious.
But I burst out laughing.
"Why the fuck would I do that?" I asked.
"Because I know Piper's next moves. And I'm pretty sure you would love to know as well. More so, I don't fear death, so threatening me isn't gonna work darling. This is the only way."
I narrowed my eyes on her. She was good. But she doesn't know she's on a submarine, even if she does get out of the room, she can't go far. I would win in this negotiation no matter what.
"Alright." I agreed.
"Well I already told you one thing, choose a cuff to remove."
I decided the best one was to remove her ankle, so I released her right leg. I never took my eyes off hers, and she observed me with unnerving precision.
"If you didn't mean to work for Piper, and you're 'good', how did you end up here?"
And so it continued. I'd ask her a question, she'd answer and be released a little bit more. When she told me she was from 71 years ago, it was hard to believe. But then she told me something that was even more disconcerting.
"I knew you, somewhat." She said, as I removed her final hand. She was free. She got up and walked around the room, cracking her joints and stretching. I expected her to run, but she didn't. She stayed in the room and continued to talk. "Back before they put me in the ice."
"You did?" I queried, following her as she strolled lazily to the cabinet, I stopped infront the desk and pulled myself up onto it. I knew what she was saying was bullshit but it still intrigued me.
"Yes actually, well not exactly you. Your doppelgänger, I guess. In a way." She clarified. Now this peaked my interest.
"Sure." I chuckled, as I sat on the desk, eyeing her as she pulled a knife from the cabinet, and began twirling it around her fingers. I must admit, it did captivate me.
"I did, Sin Rostro." She rolled her eyes once more, as she made her way back over to me. "Her name was Dorothy Underwood. And I must admit, she was the best of the best when it came to assassinations." She chuckled.
"I thought you said you worked for good?" I questioned. Peggy pushed herself between my legs to close most of the distance between us.
"I said I worked for good." She whispered in my ear. And if I'm being honest, it sent tingles down my spine. "Dottie, however" she pulled back a little, "Well, she wasn't bad exactly, but she wasn't good. More misunderstood."
"Got it Dr. Seuss." I laughed softly. "I have a question though, for you, Pegs."
"Yes?" She asked innocently, continuing to dance the knife through her fingers. It seemed she was used to that nickname.
"Why were you kind to me? Like actually kind? Or were you being fake?" I asked.
"That's two questions sweetheart but yes it was real and it was because I knew what was happening was wrong, I'm not going to just let someone be tortured. Isolation is awful." She furrowed her eyebrows. The explanation left me....disappointed, for some reason, to say the least.
"Why else would I?" She asked, tilting her head to the side.
"Oh I just thought-" I started, but I didn't want to get myself in more trouble than I already was in. "Nevermind."
But Peggy was smart, and she quickly picked up on what I was expecting.
"Oh did you think that I...that I'm attracted to you?" She asked as her eyes travelled up and down my body inquisitively. She was still between my legs, her hands rested comfortably, palm down on the table on either sides of me.
"What?! No!" I exclaimed frantically.
Why am I reacting like this?
I tried to push her away but she kept her stance firmly in place.
"Do you like me Sin Rostro?" She lowered her voice as she came closer.
"Why do you call me Sin Rostro?!" I blurted out, in an attempt to change the subject. Peggy pulled back and that allowed me to exhale a sigh of relief. It felt like I could actually breathe now.
"Cause I don't know your name." She stated blatantly.
"Well, my name is Rose."
"A pun on your name, huh," she giggled "....punny." She winked. "Get it?Punny...cause...funny and it's a pu-"
"I get it." I chuckled.
"Now, I'm going back to my old quest- actually" She smirked, her mood changed so quickly it startled me. "I might change it. Just a little." She narrowed her eyes on me again, and I felt the room get hot.
Stupid sexy British lady trying to seduce me.
"Are you attracted to me Rose?" Her face was now so close that her nose was brushing against the tip of mine. She never broke eye contact, only when her eyes flickered to my lips did she look away. My breathing became frantic, and my skin was boiling.
Why is this room so hot?!
Shit. It was Luisa. She can't see this!
"You have to chain yourself back up!" I whispered harshly.
"Wha- no!" Peggy refused.
"Please Peggy." I pleaded with my prisoner. What a low I've come to. "I'll let you out of them after but the woman outside can't see this!"
"Alright alright!" Peggy huffed as she hurriedly put herself back in the chains. Luisa hasn't found the door to this room yet...and she didn't see anything thanks to the darkened screen separating the rooms. I dove into the secret "escape compartment" and closed it hurriedly, just as Luisa walked into the room.

OH MY GOSH DID YOU JUST READ WHAT I READ?! That shit was crazy🤪🤩
Anyway, this chapter actually passed 1800 words in just the story alone so...yay me! I hope you enjoyed it,..let's see what the next chapter brings us. Stay safe and I can't wait to see you in the next chapter💞💞

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