What The Shadows Bring.

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~Rafael's POV~

I couldn't believe her. After five years, dammit, five years of her pleading to be in my life, betraying me over, and over again. All for me to forgive her. And for her to what? Go back to bawling over a psychopath- sociopath who'd tried to have us killed, kidnapped our son and threatened his life. Not to mention her other criminal past. How could she love her?
That's what I used to stay awake at night wondering. Now, Luisa was back to normal. But still something wasn't right with her. I just can't place it.
"I don't understand it." I shook my head. As I handed Jane her coffee. She and I both felt, Luisa was still holding onto Rose. But she portrayed herself to be happy, moving on even. I couldn't help but wonder if after six months, if it was still all an act.
"Babe, I know you wanted to mend things with her, and she does seem like maybe she'll be okay soon, but I don't know. I just think there's no way she could ever fully give her up." She held my hand attempting to comfort me, but it didn't help. She was my sister and I loved her. But I have to cut her out of my life. Yes, she'd saved us and yes, I should give her a break, but I can't. I just, I can't. What if she finds a new sociopath to date? It's ridiculous to think that but I know I always have to put my family first.
"Let's tuck in Mateo okay?" Jane smiled her best.
"Okay, thanks hunny." I pecked a kiss on her forehead.
Mateo was on his bed, playing with his building blocks and attempting to stack them all.
"Mister Sweetface, what did I say about toys on the bed?"
"Sorry mom." Mateo took them off gently and I couldn't help but feel proud, he'd come so far dealing with his ADHD, and now, to see him not throwing a tantrum. Those days I'd rather forget.
We tucked him in and soon found ourselves asleep in bed.
But a creek woke me up. Someone was moving around. I quickly got up, careful to not wake Jane incase it was nothing, Faith could've just been wandering around, though she doesn't make noise, she must've tripped on something.
My eyes adjusted to the moonlight as I entered the kitchen, it was far enough from the bedroom to put on the light so I quickly flicked the switch. I winced as my eyes adjusted, but as they did, I was greeted by something of my nightmares.
But, she was dead. How?
She was silent, sitting on the couch with a wicked grin plastered on her face.
"Oh hello there Raf. Nice to see you're up. How's the family?"
And then it hit me.
"Nah ah ah. No we don't want to do that. You wake her up and you'll never see your precious little, "Mister Sweetface", was it? Again."
I gritted my teeth.
"What do you want you fucking bitch. How are you even alive?! You died!"
"No, you're going to be polite. Ask again, this time, properly."
"Excuse me?" I took a step towards her but the she held up a phone, with a single picture. It was Mateo, in a car, tied up. My eyes began to well.
"No, I didn't say you can cry yet. Now, ask properly."
I took a shaky breath.
"How are you alive? What do you want from me?"
"We could work on that but it's fine for now. But I never said I'd answer." Her features hardened. "You're going to pick up the phone and tell Luisa you love her, and you forgive her."
"Really after this, after you breaking into my fucking house, you think-"
"Raf, baby what's going on-"Jane walked in, rubbing her eyes. My heart dropped. And I'm guessing so did hers when she saw Rose.
"Oh, nice to see you Jane." Rose purred.
"Mateo-" Jane choked out.
"She has him tied up somewhere." I clenched my jaw, trying to bite back tears.
"Yes, you'll get him once you do this."
"Okay." I agreed.
"Raf? What did she tell you to do?"
I moved towards my phone, thinking I could maybe call the police.
"No, don't try it. It's you're son's life on the line remember?" She bit her lip innocently, but she was a snake, there was no hiding it. I gave up and dialled Luisa's number. Did she know Rose was alive? What was going on?
"Hey Raf.." she sounded like she'd been crying.
"Luisa..." I choked.
"Raf? Are you okay?"
"Lu, I'm sorry. I know it's hard for you. I love you sis."
"Raf, what's this about?"
"You're my little sister, you...you lost the love of your life...you lost your Jane. And if I had to do what you did, go through what you've gone through I'd-I wouldn't have the strength to do it." And as I said it, it hit me. Rose is Luisa's Jane. She's her other half, her soulmate. It's not her fault that that's who it is, it's not Rose's fault that that's how she was brought up. Yes, Rose killed my father, and I could never forgive her but, maybe there was a side to her I never met. Maybe Luisa is the only one who has. She kidnapped my son to get back a chip, but thanks to Luisa she would've never hurt him. Luisa convinced her to give up murder and criminal activities. Rose did so much for her, the more I thought about it. Even now, she risked this to make me tell my sister I love her, for Luisa. And what did I make Luisa do? Push her off a roof. Because I made her choose. If I see it from someone else's view it wouldn't make sense, what I'm thinking but if it was Jane I know I'd feel the same way Luisa does, helplessly in love no matter what I do.
"Luisa I forgive you. And I hope to see you happy, truly happy one day."
Rose twirled her fingers around each other, signalling me to cut it off.
"I've got to go."
"O-okay." I heard her sniffle. "I love you."
"I love you too, Lu."
And I hung up the phone.
"And that's all I wanted." She got up, clearly preparing to leave, she smirked at Jane.
"Rose." I mumbled.
"What is it?" She snapped her head to me.
"You love her. Don't you?" I asked quietly.
"Of course I love her. She's my life." She replied, bored already. But there was a twinkle in her eye when she said it.
"Then, I won't stop you from being with her. I won't call the police." I looked to Jane, whose eyes were wide with confusion.
"Why the sudden change of heart raf?" She asked me, slightly tilting her head.
"If it were Jane," I looked to my wife. "If it were Jane, if Jane did all the things you did, I wouldn't be able to stop loving her. No matter what I wouldn't be able to. Because I love her more than my life and nothing can stop it. And I can't move on from her." Jane smiled at me sadly, knowing where I was going with it. "So I know," I turned to Rose, who was now looking at me inquisitively. "That Luisa will never be happy, truly happy, if she isn't with you. And that's the sad truth. So go to her. I won't stop you. Just give me back my son, please" I nearly begged the last bit.
"You think I'm that bad of a monster?" Rose lifted an eyebrow. "Kidnapping a four or five year old, whichever I don't care, would leave serious trauma and ruin a piece of his life. A baby couldn't be bothered. I just needed something to keep you at bay as I can't actually shoot you thanks to Luisa." She rolled her eyes. "Mateo is fast asleep in his room still."
Jane and I looked at each other and let out an enormous sigh of relief, Jane couldn't hold it in and began crying as she realised her son was not taken from her again.
I walked up to Rose, who was clearly stepping back, and extended my hand, which she took after a pause.
"Take care of her. Because if you hurt her, I will call the police." My voice hardened.
"I wouldn't dare hurt her. But I enjoy how quickly you become the big guy now that you know I'm not going to hurt you. Luisa has made me better, now, as much as I enjoy your company, Luisa doesn't know what's going on, so I should go."
So Luisa wasn't betraying me, she didn't even know. My heart broke. She really was trying for us.
"Well go." And with that, Rose left in the shadows that brought her, disappearing into the night.

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