"Not Bad, Alver."

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~Luisa's POV~

I stared out the window as the car sped down the northbound highway. This couldn't be happening.
Why did she have to do this? She was going to kill my brother. Torture him, torture his family. And I'm sure she wouldn't have told me. But she couldn't...Rose would never lie to me.
But she did before.
And she could agai-
I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face an obviously agitated Celia.
"We're approaching our destination and I can't have you mindlessly staring out a window. We're ten minutes off."
I inhaled deeply. I was going to have to face her. But she doesn't know I know.
Do I tell her after? When she's safe? It's best I do that. I'll just keep my mouth shut. We can't have any complications. I closed my eyes and waited, this will be the last semi-peaceful moment I'll have for a while.

"I swear to god if you make me call your name one more time I will leave you here."
My eyes shot open. When did I fall asleep? Never mind that, by the tone of Celia's voice I could tell we must be here.
"I'm up, Celia." I rolled my eyes.
"Good, now take this." She shoved a silver handgun into my lap.
"What is this?" I asked, taken aback.
"Well, by the looks of it I'd say a gun." Celia chuckled.
I regained my composure and attempted to save the idiocy I just allowed her to mock.
"I mean what type? I'm not stupid."
"Well, it's a Ruger SR40c. It's definitely one of the more dangerous ones, I suggest you be careful with that."
I knew how to handle myself with a gun, but this appeared to be a lot more menacing than others I've held. I figured I should probably take extra precautions. I carefully pushed it into the back of my jeans waistband.
We were parked outside a large black building, the entirety of which was surrounded by a fifteen foot fence, topped off with barbed wire.
"How are we getting in there?"
"That's not your business. You're only here to help Rose in case she's already slipped back into it."
My blood would just never take this woman, I swear.
On the outskirts of the building, there was something of a trap door which was concealed by a rose bush. I chuckled darkly. Ironic, isn't it?
They moved the bush and a group of men dressed in black surrounded me.
"They're your armed protection, they'll guide you to Rose. Your job is simple. Get her." Celia huffed. "We'll be around, ensuring you don't screw up."
The men began moving forward and soon we were enveloped in darkness.

We moved quickly and silently through a dark tunnel. Dim lights on the floor illuminated the ground but other than that, we were surround by nothing but a dark emptiness that seemed to grow with every passing second.
I looked down, and stared at the floor ahead of us. What was once small cream tiles suddenly changed larger, foot sized, checkered tiles. Something was off.
The man directly in-front of me stepped forward, on a black tile. An arrow shot forward, aimed right at his torso, but the bullet proof vest he wore took the main impact. He fell back into me, in shock. I pulled the arrow out and touched my earpiece.
"Celia...it would've been nice to know that you were sending us into level two of fucking Jumanji when you sent us down here."
"She must've upgraded her systems. Okay, I have Arthur hacking the system now. Wait there for a moment."
So we stood, in silence. The man who was shot switched places with another, ensuring my main guard is properly equipped to handle another blow.
The silence was deafening. I heard my heartbeat in my ears, my shallow breathing. That of the others. I wondered what would happen if we were caught. What would Piper do to me? She didn't care if I died. She wants me dead. But I know she wouldn't let me die quickly. My thoughts ran wild as Arthur hurriedly hacked all their systems.
"Okay. One white tile, two black. That's the pattern." Celia finally announced. I was allowed to release a sigh of relief. "But be careful, this isn't the only trap set. Tell me when you finish this sector, there's still one more."
"Yup, and then we find the jaguar's eye." I retorted.
"Jumanji refer- nothing." I give up trying to befriend this woman.
We quickly followed the pattern and finished the first section. But when we finally completed that obstacle, we were met with another.
Infront if us, three passageways forked in three different directions.
"Okay Celia you're up, which way?" I asked into my earpiece.
"Left....no...trap....right... trap...middle.....anything.... don't...go in there no matter what don't go into the....passage!"
"What?? You're breaking up." I harshly whispered into the mic.
"Luisa...don't go into the middle passage! Go right! Right Luisa! Right m!" Celia clearly yelled at me.
"Luisa....not me! Luisa that's not me!"
"Luisa! Go right!"
"Ma'am." One of my guards voiced. "Which way do we go? We don't know who's who."
I was confused, two voices yelling two different things. I did the only thing I could do. I ignored both of them.
The corridor was dark, and the air was damp and humid. We continued down the corridor until it sharply turned to the left and then right. There was a door at the end. It was wooden and I was fed up of all of these tunnels.
"Break it down."
"But ma'am-"
"Rose left me in charge. That means you follow orders from me. Break. It. Down."
The large man nodded and raised his right foot quickly releasing a heavy blow right next to the door knob. Splinters flew from the area but the door was easily kicked in.
I prayed for all our sakes, that I chose the right passage.
We found ourselves in a large white room. There was a bed which was equipped with several straps to hold someone in place.
We're here.
On the other side of the room there was a door which we quickly filed through. Again, another corridor but at this point I knew we were close. I looked at my watch, 8:00pm. How did time go by so quickly? We need to get Rose and get out. Now.
I quickly found a metal door with a padlock looped through the first hoop, but the door was still clearly opened slightly. If this was Rose's room, someone was in it.
My guards ripped the door open and then, I saw them.
Rose, but next to her, there was a woman, she was on her feet and ready to fight.
My men quickly surrounded her and a fight ensued, I knew she wouldn't be easy to take down but I had to keep my focus.
While they kept her distracted, I ran to Rose, who was in shock.
"Lu?" She called to me weakly.
"I'm here bab- Rose."
I pulled out my handgun and shot the chain that was holding onto the cuff around her ankle. She weakly stood up and leaned onto me for support.
"We're getting you out."
Someone tapped my shoulder, it was my guard, with a blue black eye he was pointing to another.
"Ma'am, we have her...what to do with her?" In the largest man's grip, he held a fistful of brunette hair. It belonged to the woman who was now hanging lifelessly from his grasp. "She's alive still, just knocked out."
"Take her with us." I looked back to Rose, who seemed to be falling in and out of consciousness.
We hurried out of the room and back into the white room. But as we entered, a blaring alarm went off.
"Ma'am we need to leave...now." My head guard anxiously advised.
"Yeah I wasn't planning on staying."
We were halfway out of the room when we heard it.
Dogs barking and heavy footsteps. We needed to go.
We ran back through the passage and found ourselves back at the checkered trap. One of my lower ranked guards pushed passed me, out of rank and began the process.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled to him as he attempted to race through. But as his foot landed on the white tile, an arrow landed straight between his eyes. His body dropped heavily to the floor. The pattern had changed? We don't have time for this. The sound of barking dogs was approaching at a startling rate.
Okay, think Luisa, the pattern coming in was white, black then black. So...going the opposite direction would be....the reverse.
"Two blacks then a white!" I yelled to my guards, the dogs were almost here.
We completed the puzzle and ran through the corridor and approached the hatch. It flew open as we slammed into it. I climbed out with Rose and my head guard followed closely with the woman. I turned to ensure everyone got out but that's when I saw, the dogs had reached us and they weren't dogs, they were wolves. They must've reached us because Piper's people would've turned off the trap for them to move faster. Fuck.
As the last of the guards were climbing out one grabbed his ankle and pulled him back in. His screamed echoed down the hallway. He was a sacrifice we needed to suffer. The latch was shut faster than the blink of an eye.
We piled into the van which was waiting for us and it immediately sped away. I can't believe this worked.
Rose had collapsed onto my shoulder, Celia sat beside me.
"Not bad Alver, not bad at all. I'll give you that one."
"Lu?!" Rose shot awake.
"I'm here." She looked up to me and smiled.
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, we have a lot to talk about." I snapped, before I removed myself from next to her and pushed her away.
Now that I finally knew she was safe, I can let my anger loose.

HI GUYSS! I hope you enjoyed that chapter, there are more to come! I'm so sorry this took so long. I've been having a hard time with the writing but I promise rapid fire publishing this week....also, I'd like to say...I stand with you! These couple weeks haven't been great, the murder of George Floyd will not go unanswered. Though I am not part of America, I will still say I support you! Black lives matter! ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

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