"For Some Reason, I Trust Her."

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~Peggy's POV~

It's my fault really. Had I not been in that room with Sin Rostro, I wouldn't be in this situation.
Nice thinking. I cursed myself for not being more prepared. Of course someone would come to rescue her. She's Sin Rostro. As I let my thoughts run wild in my head I took in my surroundings. I was in a steel room. A single desk was in front of me and my arms were handcuffed to the chair I was forced into not too long ago. My legs as well. Was that really necessary? In front of me there was an opaque screen, I'm guessing the interrogators would see and hear me from the other side. To the side on my right, there was a large wooden cabinet.
I was being forced to wait until they were ready to interrogate me. I wonder if she'll want to do it. Maybe. I smiled at the thought. She was starting to grow on me.
It was around noon, I think, if my body clock still works, when I heard someone enter the other room. At least maybe that's what it was. The room was soundproof but by the sound and feel of it, we were in a submarine. When the door was opened vibrations were sent through the metal and I picked up on it.
"Anybody gonna come and talk or are you just gonna leave me here?" I yelled at the screen in-front of me. The metal door to my left was opened and there she was. Dot-Sin Rostro. Now that she was back to her prime I couldn't deny the beauty radiating off of her sharp features. Her piercing blue eyes scanned my face for expression.
"My my, darling you do look quite stunning when you aren't starving and dehydrated. I must say." I admitted to her.
"Cut the flirty bullshit, Carter." She rolled her eyes. I couldn't deny that it was hot when she was pissed.
What the hell carter?!!
"I get to ask questions now." She smirked.
"Why are you being so harsh?" I asked as I observed her. "Thought we had a moment back there." I batter my eyelashes and pretended to be hurt by her abrupt words. A little part of it was true, though.
"Who's the 'SSR'?" She blankly focused on my facial features for cues. She approached a cabinet to the far right of the room and pulled out a five inch switchblade.
"OooOoo, scary." I laughed. Something in me knew she isn't going to hurt me.
In a second she was beside me, with the blade to my throat. She dragged it from the base of my neck to the tip of my chin. Gently forcing me to lean my head back, exposing myself. Still, she isn't going to hurt me. I stared at her, unbothered.
"Cut my throat. Do it. I dare you Sin Rostro."  I grinned. I dare you.
She nipped my neck, I suspect a small amount of blood was drawn. But it didn't hurt me. I felt it, but it didn't cause pain. Fine Sin Rostro. I'll play your game.
"You bore me sweetheart. The SSR is an organisation dedicated to stopping extremely violent forces the government isn't equipped to handle. We're the good guys." I sighed.
"Then why were you working with Piper?" She questioned.
"I'm willing to negotiate. After every piece of information I give you, I want you to release a cuff holding me down." I stared at her, not allowing my facial features to give away a thing. But she burst out laughing.
"Why the fuck would I do that?" She asked.
"Because I know Piper's next moves. And I'm pretty sure you want to know as well. More so, I don't fear death, so threatening me isn't gonna work darling." I narrowed my eyes on her. I know we're on a submarine, but I'm guessing she doesn't know I know. That's an advantage. I'm not using this to get away. I want to see her personality to judge and assess whether she's as bad as they say she is. Because right now, I don't think she is.
"Well I already told you one thing, choose a cuff to remove."
She released my right ankle from its restraints.
"If you didn't mean to work for Piper, and you're 'good', how did you end up here?" She asked.
And so it continued.
She'd ask me and then release me when I answered. I told her everything that I was willing to, it got me free. I could've lied but that makes the game boring.
"I knew you, somewhat." I said, as she removed my final hand from its tiny metal prison.
Once free I got up and began walk around the room, cracking my knuckles and my back. "Back before they put me in the ice."
"You did?" She queried, she followed me as I strolled lazily to the cabinet.
"Yes actually, well not exactly you. Your doppelgänger, I guess. In a way." I clarified. It wouldn't hurt to tell her about Dottie.
"Sure." She chuckled, she didn't believe me. She sat on the desk and eyed me. I turned my focus to the cabinet when a knife caught my eye. I picked it up and began twirling it around my fingers gently.
"I did, Sin Rostro." I rolled my eyes again as I turned and began to approach her.
"Her name was Dorothy Underwood. And I must admit, she was the best of the best when it came to assassinations." I giggled, remembering Dottie's quirkiness. 
"I thought you said you worked for good?" She questioned.
I gently pushed myself between Sin Rostro's legs as I wanted to mess with her head. She was constantly flustered around me. And I had a good idea why. I know she's into girls. I didn't realise that was okay in this time but it's obvious. It didn't bother me though. Funny enough I always got that feeling from Dottie too.
"I said I worked for good." I whispered in her ear. Being sure to allow my hot breath to graze her skin. "Dottie, however" I pulled back and regained myself, as though nothing had happened, "she wasn't bad exactly, but she wasn't good. More misunderstood."
"Got it Dr. Seuss." She joked. "I have a question for you, Pegs."
Dottie used to call me that.
"Yes?" I asked innocently, trying to focus myself on the knife dancing through my fingers and not the memories of Dottie.
"Why were you kind to me? Like actually kind?"
"Cause I knew what was happening was wrong, I'm not going to just let someone be tortured." I furrowed my eyebrows.
Why el- oh.
When I saw the disappointment on her face I knew exactly why she asked. But I still questioned. "Why else would I?"
"Oh I just thought-" She started. "Nevermind."
"Oh did you think that I...that I'm attracted to you?" I pressed as I let my eyes travelled up and down her body. I was still between her legs, and I positioned my hands comfortably on either side of her hips, facing down on the table. her hands rested comfortably, palm down on the table.
"What?! No!" She exclaimed frantically.
She's cute.
She tried to push me away but I kept myself firmly in place.
"Do you like me Sin Rostro?" I lowered my voice as I drew nearer.
"Why do you call me Sin Rostro?!" She blurted out, changing the subject.
Like a drowning man grasping for straws.
I pulled back from her, but when I did, I noticed her exhale a sigh of relief.
"Cause I don't know your name."
"My name is Rose Solano."
"A pun on your name, punny." I winked. "Get it? Punny...cause...funny and it's a pu-"
I thought it was hilarious honestly.
"I get it." She chuckled.
"Now, I'm going back to my old quest- actually" I smirked. "I might change it. Just a little." She narrowed her eyes on me again, I felt the room get hot.
"Are you attracted to me Rose?" I drew so near that the tip of my nose began to brush against hers, I allowed my eyes to momentarily flick to her lips.
What are you doing Carter!? This is wrong!
A voice screamed at the back of my head. I ignored it.
A woman yelled from the other room, the door Rose came through was slightly ajar, so we definitely heard the outburst.
"You have to chain yourself up!" She whispered harshly.
"Wha- no!" I refused.
"Please Peggy." She pleaded. I've never seen her like this. "I'll let you out but the woman outside can't see this!"
I can't believe I believed her. I trust Rose. For some reason, I trust her.
"Alright alright!" I huffed as she hurriedly put myself back in the chains. The woman hasn't found the door yet, but I still hurried as it was only a matter of time. Rose hurriedly dove into the secret compartment I hadn't even noticed and closed it hurriedly, just as the woman walked in.

HIIII okay so this is peggy's POV as you can see! Don't worry more chapters are coming this week! Also I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, I'll be going through the chapter to fix them if I see any.
I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope y'all are staying safe! See you next chapter💗

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