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~Luisa's POV~

I opened my eyes to find myself in a white room with a single ceiling fan. A dull bulb on the far end of the room shone dimly, but provided what light I needed to see. I was laying on a hospital bed, but this didn't feel like a hospital at all.
But then all the previous events hit me. And the panic returned to my chest.
"Rose?" I called out. I can't remember a thing since I passed out. All I know is she saved me. Like she always does.
A man ran into the room, stared at me for two seconds then ran back out.
"She's awake!" I heard him yell. I was too surprised to process what just happened.
The man soon returned accompanied by another man and a woman.
"Miss Alver," the man began. "My name is Richard and this is Courtney and Arthur. We are Sin Rostro's top agents. We were told in case of an emergency to follow your commands, however, you'll be guided by Sin Rostro's right hand, Celia."
The agents stepped to the side, and a woman entered.
Her hair was a long platinum blonde, basically silver, her features were sharp, resembling something like a bird, but in a beautiful kind of way. Her eyes narrowed on me and she raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed.
"We'll leave you two to consult," Courtney dipped her head politely and they all exited the room.
"So, you're Luisa." Celia stepped closer. "Not as much as I hoped you would've been." She smirked as I felt anger raise inside me. Who does she think she is?
"I'm sorry, do you have a problem with me Celia? Because as far as I've heard, I'm in charge and you listen to what I say, so watch your fucking tone." I sat up from the bed, I wasn't up for any shit right now.
"At least you can stand up for yourself. Follow me, I'll take you to Rose's quarters."
Celia left without looking back, assuming I'd follow her into whatever dark corner to which she was taking me. I did, only because I needed to though.
As we walked down the dark corridor I realised one thing; there are no windows.
"Where are we?" I asked, my voice echoing through the walls.
"North." She answered curtly, I was beginning to dislike her more and more.
"North, what." I asked again.
"Atlantic." She responded.
"We're in a submarine?" I questioned, mainly to myself.
"No, we're in a fucking plane."
"What is your damn problem with me?!" I exclaimed. I'd had enough of her by the time we reached Rose's room. Before she opened the door, however, she whipped around to face me.
"Rose wouldn't be with Her, if you had just gone that night. She was coming back for you. The reason she may die again is now going to be because of you. I don't understand her. Why would she, after you pushed her and she died, after flatlining too many times to count, why would she come back after surgery that wasn't even guaranteed to work, to just run back to you like a little puppy dog? Huh?" Celia ranted angrily. "You are the reason she's still suffering. Because she loves you despite her better fucking judgement. So when you asked me what my problem is; it's that you're here and on top of that I have to follow orders from you. Fucking bitch."
She spat directly in front of my feet. Wait...Rose died? I pushed Rose? My stomach sank. Rose lied to me to spare me. But I killed her. The world started spinning again. I felt myself spiralling, I leaned into the wall next to me to prevent me from falling.
"Stop it, now's not the time to be sad and shit, Rose needs you." Celia barked. She revolted me. But everything she said was true. And it stung. I tried to pull myself together.
She opened the door to Rose's room. It was huge. The walls were painted red, with rose designs on them, the bed was littered with petals and the room smelled of her perfume. It was like being swallowed in her world. I loved it.
"Rose wanted you to be in charge, so be it. She would have her reasons. But don't fucking expect me to do anything eagerly."
Celia pulled a chair and turned it to face me. She motioned for me to sit and I did, I hadn't quite fully recovered yet, from the fire and from the news I'd just received. I tried to push it to the back of my mind and bury it. I could mourn later, when Rose was safe again.
"Why do you call her Rose? Everyone else calls her Sin Rostro." I asked, trying to change the subject.
"I'm one of the few people who know her well. She and I were something like best friends since high school. But that isn't the matter at hand now. Rose has been taken by someone whom you may or may not know; her name is Piper." Celia looked at me for recognition but I'd never heard the name before.
"Piper was Rose's awakening." I hate to admit it, but a spark of jealousy ignited within me. Why is Rose's former lover after her? Is that who I heard? Does she want to take her from me?
I had no idea.
"Why did she take her?" I inquired.
"Why do you think smartass? She's still in love with her."
"Stop fucking calling me names when all I'm trying to do is grasp the fucking situation." I yelled. I was done with her shitty behaviour.
For a second, Celia seemed slightly surprised, but then she regained her indifferent composure and stared at me blankly before continuing.
"We need to break Rose out of there before she tries to start one of her psychotic games."
"What do you mean?"
"Celia needs Rose to be in love with her. She wants to try to activate Rose's Stockholm syndrome. If she can, Rose will be gone forever. Only once did that happen, and it took almost a year of Rose being locked in a room to get it out of her head."
"What games? What is she going to do to her?" I asked, the fear evident in my voice.
"I don't know yet, the time it had happened before, Piper kept her captive for four months in a single room. During that time, she'd come in and look after her, bathe her, feed her, show her kindness. Then, she'd have her men come in and beat her....sometimes even act like they were going to rape her. They'd take off their clothes and say what they'd do to her; that there was no one to help her. They'd spit on her and laugh when she cried. Then, just as Rose was about to break, Piper would burst in and shoot all of the men, and "save" Rose. Rose was conditioned to Piper being her saviour. And she thought, without Piper, she'd die." Celia's voice had dropped. And the hurt in it was unmistakable.
"She never told me...."
"She's embarrassed. As far as she sees it, she's your saviour, your rock, she wouldn't want you to know what she's been through, she doesn't want to seem so weak. But now it is necessary that you're aware of it. It will help you make decisions more clearly. Rose has been gone for two and a half days, in those two and a half days, you've been in a sort of coma. Lucky for you, we have great doctors. Rose has always had a mole within Piper's gang, we've contacted them and pinpointed a location where Rose may be being held. We're going to ambush it tomorrow. You better pray she's there otherwise we'll have to take some drastic measures which I don't think you'll like."
I felt my features harden. "Anything for Rose."
"Good, I'll leave you here for a bit, I need to organise the agents. I know we aren't exactly compatible but thank you for trying to be peaceful with me. This is a stressful situation for both of us."
I nodded to her and watched her leave. I could be passive, but that didn't mean I liked the bitch.
There was a table to the far corner with a single lamp on it.
Out of curiosity, I approached it and flipped the switch.
Several notebooks and papers were strewn across the desk. It seemed like Rose's personal notes, like a diary of a sort except they looked like plans to kill someone. I couldn't figure out who it was, there were no names, just small, messy notes scribbled all over different pages.
"Take from family; looks like accident."
"First fingers, then toes, not all, some; mail."
Rose promised not to kill anyone, but whatever this was, it seemed almost too gruesome to read.
"He needs to feel the pain I felt. The pain I went through."
What is all of this? Who is she talking about. I began to quickly scan all the papers, apparently that was only one way it could've gone. There were at least ten papers with different detailed plans on how to kidnap the man she spoke of, to fake his death, to torture him and only let his family know what he'd gone through after.
I almost stopped looking through, I was too disgusted to continue. But then I saw it. On the last page, the last sentence. The last few words; that's what made me drop the pages to the floor. That's what made my heart sink, my mouth gape. My eyes widen and tears brim in them.
"I fucking hate you. After what you did to me. I'm going to take you and destroy your life. Just like you did to me. Your karma is coming. Enjoy the time you have left Rafael, while it lasts."

Heyyyy! I hope you enjoyed this, Luisa's POV WAS A MUST at this point because she was just left in the dark sooooo now she knows what she never knew she didn't know lol. Please comment on my story because I love reading the few I get. I know it's not a lot of y'all but I love y'all so much so thank you for reading and coming on this Roisa adventure with me! I hope you're excited to see what happens next 💞💕 stay safe:)

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