"What the fuck did you do Rose."

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~Rose's POV~

"Who are you?" Luisa asked Peggy, my heart was racing. This couldn't end well.
"My name is Agent Carter."
"You're the one who kidnapped Rose."
"Yes, but in my defence I-"
Did luisa just....hit her?!
Anger rose in my body, I don't know why but it did. I didn't like Peggy getting injured, but I know I can't help her without revealing myself to Luisa.
"How dare you." I could tell by the sound of her voice, Luisa was furious.
"I wasn't aware that I was working for Piper, I thought I was doing good." Peggy surprisingly kept her cool.
"Did it seem like good to you? Did kidnapping somebody seem like good?!" Luisa growled.
Smack. Another stinging slap was planted onto Peggy's face.
What as gotten into her?!
"I saved her life, when I realised what was happening wasn't right. I'm not a bad person, this is all just a misunder-"
"Where is Rose? I need to speak to her."
Why was Luisa being like this to her?
My breath hitched when I realised the question.
Peggy has no need to conceal my position. She knows exactly where I am.
"I haven't seen her since I got here. I've only seen the blonde haired one." Peggy lied.
Why did she lie for me? This was all a lot to process. Luisa's anger, Peggy's protection....my brain couldn't process what was happening all at once.
I heard the door slam after a few seconds, it was my cue to come out.
"You didn't tell her?" I asked, baffled.
"I had no reason to, and it seems like you didn't want her to know you were here. Wanna tell me why you're hiding from your girlfriend?"
I examined her facial features carefully to determine if she was hiding anything but I could find no tell that would suggest she was.
"Anyway," I shook myself out of my thoughts, and ignored her question. "a deal's a deal."
I quickly released her from her restraints, and noticed her looking at me blankly, almost shocked.
"Did you really just....let me go?" She asked.
"No, I chained you up." I replied sarcastically, with a smug grin.
"Funny. I just expected you to to keep up your end."
Peggy got up and rubbed her face, it was bright red.
"Blushing to see me?" I asked.
"No, your bitch girlfriend slapped me."
"Oh...right...sorry about that. She isn't usually like that."
"Okay, I'm going to need you to follow me and...please go along with whatever I say." I extended my hand to her.
She took it and small butterflies erupted within me.
What the fuck is happening?
I led her out of the room and began going down the hallway. Hopefully I wouldn't be bumping into-
"Ah!" Luisa yelped as I knocked into her, my hand had never left someone's so quickly as I snatched it out of Peggy's grasp.
"Lu! I've been looking for you!" I lied.
"Me too! I need to talk to you abou- why is she here?" Luisa's gaze shifted past me and to Peggy.
"Luisa, I don't know if you two met yet but, this is Peggy Carter, she saved my life. At first, she was the one who captured me, but we've cleared that up. I just got her out of interrogation as there was a miscommunication and my team didn't seem to realise she's good."
"Oh I'm not familiar with you, seems we haven't met yet." Luisa extended her hand.
She lied.
"I'm Luisa. Nice to meet you." She smiled.
Peggy and I both knew she was lying but why?
Peggy took her hand however, surprising me.
"The pleasure is mine."
We all came back to my bedroom and Peggy re-explained what had occurred, from the beginning to Luisa.
She left out my doppelgänger, however.
"So that's why I was working with Piper." She finished.
"That's great but Peg, I need to talk to Rose for a second."
Why is she being so condescending? What's gotten into her?
Peggy said nothing but got up and left the room.
"Hey...Uhm Lu, what's that about? Why are you being like that with her?" I asked once Peggy had left.
"Cut the bullshit I saw the hand holding in the hall." She growled. Since when was she this possessive?
"I was leading her it didn't mean anything I-"
"I came back to sort things out with you and find you slutting yourself out already? Oh that's rich."
"Hand holding is somehow now equal to me "slutting" myself out?!" I got up from the chair I was in, ready to defend myself.
But I thought again, I don't want to fight with her. I just want to make things better. I'm so tired of all the fights we get into. Be it be about Rafael, or about innocently guiding someone.
"Luisa," I took her hand, which she gave me reluctantly. "There is nothing going on between me and Peggy."
"Nothing?" She asked.
Though something in me question whether I was lying.
To her and myself.
"Rose I don't want to keep fighting with you. I don't like it."
"And neither do I. So let's find a way to sort this out, yeah?"
"I went back to Rafael's place." She started. "You were right. I think I see what you were talking about, but this isn't an excuse to kill him. And I feel like maybe...maybe we can get through to him, but later on. But no killing him."
"I wasn't going to," I smiled. "Well...I was but not anymore."
We sat side by side on the bed and I curled an arm around her shoulders.
"I'm sorry I was harsh with Peggy. I'll try to start over with her." She apologised sincerely, I hope. It still didn't explain why she lied about their first encounter.
"Thank you, she did save my life. Come here." I pulled her back and we both lay together on the bed.
Luisa rested her head on my shoulder, and for the first time since I died, everything seemed at peace for once.

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