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~Rose's POV~

Unknown: Five minutes, be ready.

I sent the message to Luisa's phone. I was close to her. We're going to have our happy ending, we went through too much already. I slipped my burner phone into the coat pocket hidden by my long blonde hair. The wig I was wearing made my head scratch but it was a necessary annoyance. I was three minutes away, my limo about the cross the intersection to the neighbourhood, when it hit us.
A truck? A van? I don't know what it was. But it flipped us over. The limo was upside down and blood trailed from my head and busted lip through my blonde wig.
There was a slight ringing in my ear and a faint headache which built with every second passing. One of my newest Charlie's Angel sat beside me, strapped in, still unconscious.
"Wake up..." I groaned. They didn't move. "WAKE UP!"
The woman's head jerked upwards and she looked to me, baffled.
"Unstrap yourself and get out of the car now."
"Do it."
The Angel followed my instructions and climbed out the car. I too dropped out of the seatbelt holding me, but I waited before exiting.
I'm glad I did.
A gun cocked.
"Oh, here's the pretty little redhead." A man chuckled. "We'll have some fun with you then take you to boss..."
"No," a female interrupted. "Boss said not to touch her. She needs to be completely awake and fine. If she's harmed, Boss will have your head. And I'll gladly take it." The woman laughed.
"Okay sister, fine." The man relented.
Two shots.
My Angel's knew to carry a gun at all times hidden from view. She climbed back into the car.
"Ma'am, I took care of it, we have to hurry."
"I'm coming. Good work Angel."
She reached forward to grab my hand,
There was blood splattered all over my face. No time to mourn, both my and Luisa's lives were in danger.
I took her gun and tucked it into my suit. Quickly crawling out I noted that five new assailants surrounded the car.
"Now really? You thought She would send two? Darling, you underestimate her. Come quietly and maybe I'll treat you a little better than what you would've gotten." A woman with a British accent laughed, she had her gun pointed to me. Four other men with knives chuckled with her. I'm lucky today wasn't a busy day, the street was clear.
"No," I smirked. "You underestimate me, I'd much rather make some noise."
In two quick moves, I side stepped one of the men and slit his throat, warm blood trickling down my arms. The other men became infuriated. One approached me. Again, I ducked and held him in a head lock.
"Put the gun down." I instructed. The woman smiled.
Then she shot him.
She shot her own.
The other men looked to her, shocked. She stared back at them, amusement in her eyes.
"Darling, you do not understand me yet. I am Her right hand. There is a reason for that." She sneered.
I pulled out my separate gun with a silencer equipped and fired two shots, not killing, but maiming two of the men, they were slow to react, but I know the females She hired would not be so easy. She was always much pickier with her females.
"And," I glared as I let the dead body I was still holding drop to the floor, "there's a reason She's threatened by me."
Up till now, the woman's features were obscured from view, she had a low hood and a mask almost like an assassin which covered her face from view.
But she took it off.
God, I hate it when my enemies are hot.
She had defined cheeks bones, that's what I noticed first. Then I saw her lips, pink and puffed out, her mouth was slightly open, panting softly. Her brown wavy hair flowed past her shoulders. I was caught off guard, but not for long.
"So," I smirked. "Guns, or knives?"
These people had a way. They fought fairly. It was a sort of challenge they followed.
"Well, with a gorgeous lady like you," the woman winked, "I think, I should want to get as close as possible. No?"
In an instant she dropped her gun and was two feet from me. A knife pressed to my throat.
This was going to be fun.
I slapped the knife out of her hand, far up into the air, hit her with the palm of my hand onto her nose, satisfied as I witnessed blood dripping from her well trimmed feature.
I caught the knife which had finally come back into reach, dove between her legs and sliced behind a single knee. She cried out.
"Darling, maybe you are not as incompetent as I thought." She chuckled.
But she wasn't done, she pulled out a concealed knife in her boot and stabbed my right leg. I screamed and kicked her away, she grabbed my coat in the process and pulled me down with her.
I caught myself, leaving my face inches from hers.
I exhaled, I wasn't one to partake in hand to hand combat, but with her, I don't think I'd mind.
She looked deeply into my eyes, there was something about her. The intensity? I couldn't place it. It entranced me. I wanted to move closer. I didn't want to kiss her, I just wanted to stay close.
She raised her head, her lips were centimetres from mine, I could feel her minty breath gently grazing my lips.
"See something you like?" She whispered softly then smirked, and kicked me in my stomach. I flew off of her. But quickly regained myself. She tried to punch me but I slipped under her swing and brought her into a headlock. I squeezed until she passed out. By then, more of my agents had arrived on seen, they cleaned me up, quickly patching my bleeding leg.
"Lock her in one of the cars, she's dangerous, keep five men with her at all times." They picked up the mysterious assailant. But it woke her up. I hadn't held her for long, and this was the consequence. In an instant she dove beneath them and under a car, they frantically tried to get her but she had escaped through a manhole beneath it. But I can't concentrate on that now.
I have to get to Luisa.
I checked my burner.

Luisa: You never know,

Unknown: when Lightning's gonna strike. Are you okay?
Luisa: someone's in the house, I thought it was you, it sounded like you.
Unknown: I'm coming, I'm almost there. Hold on Lu.

Luisa: please they're coming I can hear them outside the room. Please I'm scared. I dobt knpw hiw lonh befirw

Fear rose in my chest. What just happened. I have to get there. Now.
"Stealth, you're with me, Ambush, follow behind. I want The Brutes to be ahead, they need to scout." I ordered, anger boiling in my veins. She really thinks she can take her from me? That bitch clearly doesn't know who she's dealing with. "Brutes, you're gonna go head on to deal with any opposition we get, Stealth, we're going to hang back and Ambush will have our backs if we need assistance. Got it?"
"Yes Ma'am!" Seventy five of my best agents responded in unison.
We moved off, quickly and silently.
My phone buzzed.

Luisa: where are you? They're inside the room. Please come. I'm scared please come I can't breathe.

Unknown: I'm coming Lu, but if they see me I don't know what they would do to your house with you in it. I can see your house from where I am, don't worry baby. I'm coming.

My heart was racing. How long till they found her?
I know Her, she would go to extreme measures to get what she wants. She wants me. The car wouldn't move fast enough. But soon, we reached, and fear gripped me like never before. Three black vans were parked outside Luisa's home. Each had a single thorn painted on its side. It was Her. I had my doubts at first, but this is no doubt...Her.
My Brutes had positioned themselves in place to attack, the Ambushers were still waiting a ways behind. But I realised, the more people, the more likely that Luisa won't come out of this alive. I looked to my phone.

Luisa: they're going to set the house on fire. I don't know what to do. I'm in the floorboards under the bed. Help me.

Unknown: I'm coming.

It was now or never. Small billows of smoke were already rising from the west side of the house.
I made my way to the back window, I had my agents hold off any attack unless necessary. I smashed the glass and dove through the flames.
Immediately my lungs started to spasm. I coughed violently but I couldn't leave her in here.
"LU?! LUISA?!" I called out. I couldn't hear anything but the sizzling wooden frames falling from the closet and ceiling. I continued frantically searching for her when suddenly I kicked something soft, it moved slightly.
"LU?!" I exclaimed. My body was starting to get weak and my eyes began tearing so badly my vision was blurred to the point where everything moulded together. I hoisted Luisa as high as I could and pushed her out the shattered window, she would've been injured, but safe. I followed suit.
I got out of the house quickly to see Luisa's eyes roll back and her body fall limp.
"I NEED MY DOCTORS!" I exclaimed into the mic I had attached to my clothing.
"Roger." My head agent replied.
"You're gonna be alright Lu, I promise," a tear fell from my eyes.
"But you're not."
And then something hit the back of my head. As my vision clouded and blurred, all I remember is seeing those intense brown eyes looking down at me.

YUS!!! Two chapters in two days:))) i hope y'all enjoy this small POV from Rose. The British woman is supposed to resemble Peggy Carter. I would love if y'all search up "Peggy Carter and Dottie Underwood" y'all will not be disappointed. I figured why not spice things up a bit and throw in a hot British assassin...things are going to get veryyyy complicated soon;) expect a chapter in about 3/4 days:)

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