"How Could I Ever Love Another Woman More?"

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Luisa's POV.

I had never felt as much anger as in this point of my life. Though I knew Rose was drifting away from me, I never thought she'd cheat on me.
From the moment Peggy came into the picture however, I knew something was going on between them. How could I have trusted her like that? Why didn't I just go with my gut?

And now I was stuck here, on this damned submarine, I couldn't even leave and drive somewhere else if I wanted, I was stuck in this god forsaken machine, 1500ft below the surface of the ocean.
I stormed off back to the room I slept in, slamming open the door and looked at the disgusting roses everywhere.

"UGH, FUCK YOU." I grabbed a handful of nearby roses and began to rip them into small pieces, before throwing them around the room. "FUCK YOU!" I kicked the wooden table and sent it across the room. I trashed the entire area, taking out every ounce of anger I had in me on the inanimate objects, the bed even the clothes in the wardrobe.

I allowed myself to fall back onto the bed, collapsed in a slumped seated position with my head in my hands.
That's when I noticed a drawer had slipped open from the desk I'd shoved. Dragging myself off the edge of the bed, I pulled the drawer open wider and peered inside.
Inside, there was a small leather bound book with a rose engraved on it.
I opened the first couple pages and noticed it was a diary, there were no dates, but several entries.

I met a woman named Luisa last night. She was more enchanting than any I've met before. Unfortunately the priority of the plastic surgeon ring must come first. Emilio hasn't suspected anything yet i believe. Tonight I'm supposed to meet his children. I hate this part of my work. I hate this man. All he ever wants is sex or food. I can't believe I've stooped so low as to be his modern slave.

Oh. My. God. Luisa is Emilio's daughter. This severely complicates things. Though I wish I could say I could remain focussed, I can see myself getting distracted by the woman. I saw her today and she looked absolutely stunning. Though she told me she had a girlfriend now. How could she find someone so quickly? Or was I involved with a taken woman already?

I had to fake my death, or my step mother would've ensured it was a real one. Though I hurt me to hurt luisa, I won't leave her on her own. I plan to return under the name Susanne Barnett. That way I get to stay close to my love.

After over five years of having our affair, I plan to run away with Luisa tonight. I will take her to my submarine and we will escape.

I flipped a few pages down, to the last entry.

I made a horrible mistake. Luisa will hate me when she finds out. But it was so hard being with someone who never put me first, the way I put her first. I just wanted to be enough, but she only will ever care about her brother. I don't know what to do.

"Cheat apparently." I scoffed as I threw the book aside.
It's not that I needed Rafael, he was my brother. I wanted his approval.

I paused as a realisation came to my mind.

But maybe this is how Rose feels? Maybe.... she wants my approval the way I want Rafael's.
But why would she go to Peggy? Why didn't she talk to me?

Again, that little voice of reason I had pushed away so long ago spoke once more.

Because she did. And I didn't listen. I was so blindly following Rafael, so obsessed with the idea of having my little Raf back, I never cared about the one I had now.
She was deeply in love with me wasn't she. I played a part in this too. I needed to realise that.
I needed to forget him. I needed to just put me first, for once. I lay on my back and inhaled deeply. What do I want? I head a pillow over my face and screamed into it before I understood I needed to choose one, once and for all, no going back this time.
"Alver. You need to make a choice."

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