"You Let Her Get To You."

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~Peggy's POV~

Six months ago.

Something's just off. I don't like it. I know Piper is getting instructions from headquarters, but why am I not allowed to directly converse with them? Why am I not included in the meetings? In planning strategies to complete missions?They're treating me like a soldier, I'm informed of my duty and then I carry it out, no questions asked.
Piper, six months ago, told me that I was put under ice, to preserve my skills, that I was too valuable and they wished to attempt something never done before. To preserve my age and youth for decades, only to take me out when they needed me most. She said the procedure triggered slight memory loss...that the lack of memory for my purpose here, in this new century, was to be expected.
Apparently they needed me, when the most well-known criminal/crime boss "Sin Rostro" resurfaced. Now I wouldn't say that's threatening the world, but again, according to Piper, it is. And she's my superior.
I'm not dumb.
Something isn't right about her. Whether it's her fluctuations pertaining to her morals, or lack there of or the missions which she assigns to me. I questioned it since day one, she acted like she owned the place but said she was just following orders.
Instead of running away, I decided to stay a little while longer, I need to see what her end goal was-
"Carter." She called.
"Yes, Ms. Cordell?" I looked up from the book I was intently staring at to briefly hold eye contact with the woman before me. She wasn't the prettiest, but she wasn't ugly, it was hard to describe without insulting her. Her face was slightly longer than average, her eyes almond shaped, her nose was straight, she had rosy cheeks and her lips were bent in a slightly crooked smile. She wasn't inherently ugly but she wasn't....beautiful, she wasn't my ty- I would say type as I lack the attraction to have a type...of woman that is. I chuckled to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" She cocked an eyebrow.
"Nothing, Ms. Cordell, how may I help?" I asked, attempting to remain polite. She eyed me for a moment before continuing.
"Well, I know you'd like to plan and be included in strategising. So please accompany me in my office at 18:00 hours. From there I will brief you on our operation." She turned an left before I could speak again.
This was it. This is why I stayed.

Four days ago.

I've met her, Sin Rostro. And I thought of someone I haven't thought of in so long, since I've been back. Dorothy Underwood.
When I saw her, my jaw dropped, my brain wouldn't...couldn't comprehend the situation I was in. She looked exactly like Dottie....my Dottie.
Not my Dottie but the Dottie I knew.
But of course, slight changes. Her mannerisms weren't the same, her hair was red...and well, she actually tried to kill me. But other than that....the resemblance was uncanny. Yet something told me this wasn't Dottie. Not like I'm me, she wasn't Dottie. She was like her doppelgänger. I've heard of them...but never really seen or met one.
She fought well, but her men were clumsy, hence my escape. But the moves she had we astonishing, graceful and elegant while effective. When she was above me, I felt her gaze penetrate my mind, searching my thoughts. Her pale, crystal blue eyes were so deeply focused on me, as though she was fascinated. It was hard to admit, but so was I. She intrigued me. And when she had the chance, she didn't take it. She didn't kill me.
Why doesn't she seem as bad as Piper described her? Why doesn't she scream and spit at my face...she doesn't seem like a cold blooded killer. So why would Piper say she is? If she was...she wouldn't have saved that woman from the fire.
Who was that woman? Her friend? Her cousin? Sister? I don't know.
But I bested her. And now she's in a cell, a cell which I'm standing in front of currently. I watched as a guard yelled food and slid the metal pan into the room. Is this how we treat prisoners? It doesn't seem humane. Not like the old SSR. This isn't right. And my suspicion that Piper is lying is only growing by the passing minute. But I need more evidence.

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