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      SCARLETT STOOD IN HER BEDROOM DIANA'S WORD WERE IN HER HEAD, AND SHE couldn't help but feel a little better by her word of encouragement

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      SCARLETT STOOD IN HER BEDROOM DIANA'S WORD WERE IN HER HEAD, AND SHE couldn't help but feel a little better by her word of encouragement. She was terrified by everything, she was supposed to be this beacon of hope, for all the creatures different like her.

A crossbreed. Her children and descendants would always be considered crossbreeds. She laughs to herself thinking back to a time when she only thought of herself as a witch, and tried to feel human.

"What are you thinking about?" Vi asks entering her room.

"The fact that I am different." She says. Vi raises an eyebrow at her. "How much I've changed, last time I was pregnant, I worried about how to hide my child's power, if they would even have magic." Vi nods, listening to her attentively. "Now, with the twins, they're powerful, I can feel it."

"You're more in tune with your magic, and you don't try to hide it." Vi says taking a seat on her bed, she grabs one of her pillow to rest her arms.

"And, I also don't have the stress of arranging a funeral. Just need to dismantle a cult that's been around way before anyone has been alive." She says making Vi laugh.

"You have help, support of everyone here." Vi says.

"Do I have you support?" Scarlett asks.

"You're my best friend, Scarlett of course you have it."
Vi says honestly, "I disagree with some of your choices, but it's your life and I can't tell you how to live it. Or who to live it with."

"I don't know what I'm doing, there's no manual on how to raise children and lead a revolution." Scarlett chuckles, making Vi laugh.

"No, but you have people at your command, you have family who can relate to being an outcast, being different." Vi says. "Your grandmother built this place as a safe heaven, for Jo and people like her. For anyone who didn't fit the norm, which is a lot. My family included."

"Everyone makes Eliza sound so great, and I sometime wish I would of met her, I wonder what my life would of been like if it just..." Scarlett says playing with her fingers, "If Ivory would of kept Will and I, if things would of gone according to plan. If Eliza and her son weren't killed by Mikael."

"The Original family maybe would of been differently or you would of grown up to be on the run from Mikael for all of your life." Vi says. "You most likely would of never met Alex, Jake, Jeremy and Dean. You most likely would be on opposite sides of everything."

"No twins, no Grayson." Scarlett says.

"How did he take" She takes a pause looking at her stomach, "the pregnancy?"

"I don't know, I kinda fainted." Scarlett says giving her a look.

"Sorry I hurt you." Vi says feeling guilty, about that.

"Well at least you got me out of a awkward situation." Scarlett says trying to making light of the situation.

"Which you'll still need to have." Vi says. "I just delayed the inevitable."

"Gave me more time to think about what to say." Scarlett tries to look at the positive side of things. She was trying to be more positive and not let emotions get the best of her. Jo told her how before Eliza was born, her and her sisters magic presented itself, in their mothers emotions. "Maybe it's for the best." She says to herself. Maybe life was supposed to be this way, Dean and her on opposite sides, she is a supernatural being and he's a hunter. In what world does that make sense?

She was supposed to be this leader of the rebellion against the balance. This symbol of hope for different supernatural beings. The same creature the balance created would have to destroy them.

"I'll let you get some rest." Vi tells her, Scarlett nods and Vi leaves her bedroom. She remembers her dream. What her subconscious told her, and she couldn't wrap her brain around it, how she could tell herself that. She loved Dean, she will always love him, but maybe, they weren't meant to last. They don't make sense.

          WILL WAS IN THE LIBRARY DOING RESEARCH, HE HAD SOME BOOKS OPEN ON THE table in front of him with a stack of journals next to him. Of Eliza's journals. The text in front of him subtitle was soulmates.

"What are you up to?" Alex asks Will seeing the books in front of him. "Soulmates?" Alex asks. Will nods not looking up. "These are rare." He says.

"Not for the chosen Fairchild one." Will says. "Scarlett is the chosen one." He says.

Alex nods, "and you think she already found her soulmate."

"Yes. I just needed to confirm it." Will tells him.

"Who?" Alex asks.

"She saw a wolf the on her first full moon, she was a wolf." Will says, and Alex tried not to give a reaction to this. Will knows Alex saw a wolf and felt an instant connection. "You and I know, you know him very well."

"No." Alex says understanding what Will is hinting at.

"You were so willing take her pain, that instinct to protect that was your wolf, the inner you. Protecting her." Will says. "It's been in our face this entire time Alex. You always protect her, you even let her stab you." He says. Alex is trying to process all of this. "Your souls are tied, and you'll alway be in each other's lifes."

"She's in love with Dean." Alex says.

"Once she realizes that the love she has for Dean is nothing to compared to the love she'll feel for her soulmate." Will says. "What you two have, is special, and."

"And she'll resent me for it." Alex cuts him off. "This stays between us, she already has to deal with a lot, she's pregnant, and she's the face of a rebellion against the balance. I don't want to cause anymore trouble."

"You protect her. You always will. Partly because you're already in love with her, you have been for a while, and you said you'd wait for her." Will says.

"I just want her happy and alive." Alex says.

"Well, we better keep Tyler away." Will smirks knowing his sister would a have a field day with Tyler if they saw each other. They don't know how Tyler would react to seeing Scarlett pregnant, by the very guy who pushed her out of her comfort zone. The one who made her feel alive after the tragedy she survived. Will begins walking away, and Alex sighs, knowing things could go bad if Scarlett lost it.

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So the Lockwoods arrived, and the pregnancy is making Scarlett go through changes she didn't go through with Alex. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share, check out my other stories. Stay safe and take care of your loved ones. It's my birthday, omg I'm 21, I've been on this app since I was a teenager. Wow. I really hope you enjoy this book, I might make a double update today since it's my birthday, I'm not sure, yet.
Updated August 10, 2021

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