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              SCARLETT LAID IN HER BED, SHE SIGHS HEARING HER ALARM CLOCK GOING off. All she wanted to do was sleep in, and she knew she couldn't. She promised Joanna she would hang out with the wolfs today.

Scarlett opted out on taking classes, this semester. She didn't want to deal with the entire pregnancy and going to school. She was surprised she did to get as much morning sickness as she did with Grayson. Obviously her stomach was bigger than it was with Grayson, she was carrying two, not one.

"Scarlett!" Viola says opening the door, Alexzander follows in after her.

"I swear to god, if you two give me a headache I won't hesitate." Scarlett glares at the two.

"You, need to get up. Jo is looking for you." Viola says, Scarlett sits up and the Raven cousins see her pregnancy belly.

"Don't." Scarlett says quickly. She wasn't sure she was keeping the babies. Viola was the one trying to change her mind, Scarlett fought back harder pushing the two girls away from each other. Scarlett wanting to murder her best friend, and Alex playing interference between the two girls.

       SCARLETT FOUND JO IN THE LIBRARY, SHE WAS LOOKING AT THE BOOKS. AUNT JO turns to look at her, Scarlett has a feeling it isn't good news. "Take a seat."

"Jo?" Scarlett asks concerned for her safety.

"Take a seat, Scarlett you're pregnant." Jo says, and Scarlett does as told. "They are looking for you Scarlett, they won't stop until they find you. Starting from now on, you stay in this town, no going out. At all." Joanna says in a strict manner. "I don't care if you need something, you stay the hell away from Mystic Falls."

"How do you know?" Scarlett asks staring at her confused.

"I have my sources, I've been alive for a while now, Scarlett. This isn't a game. You have your life and those babies life." Jo says. "Until you carry to term, I want to keep them out of this as much as we can. If you want them to have a normalish life, give birth to them and then we deal with the balance."

"How do I know they won't speak and give me up to the Balance?" Scarlett asks.

"Because the balance has been after everyone here or their children, or ancestors. They hate the balance more than anything. Hiding you and these babies would be a great way to stick it to the balance. And those babies are innocent." Jo says.

"The Balance was after you?" Scarlett asks.

"My own father was." Jo says taking a seat in front of Scarlett, "He was the leader of the Balance, I was turned by Katherine Pierce. She found out that one of the Fairchild sisters would be involved with Klaus. I had met Klaus and she killed me."

"It was about Eliza." Scarlett says, "her soul was tied to Klaus'." Scarlett says.

"She didn't meet Klaus until she was nineteen almost twenty. My father didn't let her out of his sight after I was turned." Jo says. "She built this town after I was on the run for so long, I lost my magic and my family but I never lost Eliza."

"I am definitely killing Katherine." Scarlett mutters.

"I am pretty sure Klaus has dibs on her, make the bitch suffer. She'll get what's coming for her, I am sure about that." Jo smiles maliciously. "Or so a witch told me."

"Well, drinks to her." Scarlett says. Jo definitely saw a lot of Klaus in Scarlett Salvatore, the vengeance, her scheming, Klaus. The way she wouldn't get caught, now that was Eliza.


"You're dead aren't you?" Scarlett asks her.

"You can see me?" Bonnie asks.

"Yeah, I assumed you were astroprojecting. Keeping an eye on me, but I am cloaked, where I am at is cloaked" Scarlett says. "You would only be able to find me, unless you're dead." Scarlett tries not to cry, she bites her bottom lip and looks up trying to avoid tears. 

"I swear, I'm killing Katherine. As soon as I get my hands on the boney bitch." Scarlett says.

"Make sure those babies are born safely. That's all I ask for, even if you don't keep them." Bonnie says and Scarlett nods. She hears a voice in the hallway, and she listens in. She see's Alex on the phone, he's talking to Elijah, weird. Dean is alive, how the hell do I keep that from her. We live in the same house! Scarlett felt her stomach drops snd she turns to look to Bonnie, she heard.

"Find him for me." Scarlett says.

"Scarlett you can't go out." Bonnie says.

"Help me meet with him, where I won't get caught." Scarlett says, "Bonnie please." Scarlett begs.

"Okay." Bonnie gives in and helps the Salvatore girl.

SCARLETT PACKED A BAG, AND GAVE IT TO AIDEN TO PUT IN HIS CAR. THE TWO WERE leaving, after she found out about Dean being alive. She left a vile of her blood on Alex's nightstand, with a note, antidote.

Scarlett was ready to get in the car, Aiden was just waiting on her, just outside.

"Scarlett!" Alex calls out to her. "You can't go out there! They will catch you."

"I need to take this risk." She says, and he looks at her in disbelief.

"It's not just about you! YOU have two other people to worry about. Babies!" He says.

"Thats exactly why I am doing this! You lied to me! You let me cry on your shoulder! You let me believe he was still dead! The man I love is out there looking for me! You lied!" She exclaims. He gets a hold of her and hands her somethings.

"I know, use this. Don't take them off." He whispers in her ear, "attack me." He says, she grabs the dagger from her sleeve and stabs him. "Sorry Alex, can't have you following me." She says letting him drop to the floor.

"Aiden, lets go." She turns to get in his car. The two drive off, Aiden speeding off for both of their sake. Aiden activates the cars cloaking spell.

"What did you use?" Aiden asks once they get out of the community.

"Something I've been working on." She holds up a dagger. "My blood is the only antidote."

"Will's?" He asks.

"I didn't have another vile of his blood, if he gives them his blood, all he does is speed up the process of their death. I was mad at him." She says.

"Well, you can kill Katherine with one stab." He says making her laughs a little.

"Yeah, I can." She says looking out the window smirking a bit. She was the reason she made it, it worked like a werewolf bite but I would also affect witches and werewolves. It was venom for everyone who stood in her way. She looks down at the necklace Alex gave her.

Words 1176
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, don't forget to vote, comment and share. Check out my other books if you can it would be greatly appreciated it. Here's an edit for, Darlett. Oh yeah Scarlett is wearing lose clothes to hide her pregnancy, as much as she can. We'll see how far she goes.

Updated February 02, 2021

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Updated February 02, 2021

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