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The night before consisted of You and Katsuki studying for your classes. Which, honestly you nodded carelessly as Katsuki kept rambling on about school work you didn't necessarily find interesting.

You were the more physical work type of person. Not sitting at a table, in a dorm room, with your childhood friend going on and on about language studies.


You yawned, and scratched the back of your neck, "Bakugo, can we just finish this tomorrow? I wasted every ounce of my lasting energy on Kaminari.." you whined.

The blonde placed the pencil on the table and looked over at you with a raised brow.

"C'mon, dude! We have a whole two weeks of free days to do.."  pausing to think, "to do literally anything!" shrugging. You looked over for a response, or even an ounce of mercy from the other male.

Katsuki only stared back. Then sighed, "if you procrastinate this work." Katsuki used the pencil to point at the books, and papers that laid about the tabled in a giant mess, "you're going to be stressed as hell once it comes back to kick you in the ass."

Katsuki looked at You with a stern expression. "And if we get it done now, then you can have all the free time in the world." He added.

You groaned and laid your head back in the chair. You then proceeded to groan or mumble as an attempt to get Katsuki to give up and let you go to bed. But, he was just as unyielding as you.

It was now the early morning. You, Katsuki, and Eijiro were all on your daily jog.
The three of you chatting with one another as You jogged down the street.

The whole morning was the three of you hanging out. All of you deciding on stopping at a coffee shop then headed to the city's local park to sit back and enjoy the peaceful morning.

"God. it was horrible Kiri.." You yawned, "He wouldn't even let me close my eyes."

"Jeez, sounds ruff man," Eijiro slightly snickered at your tired state and took a sip of his chosen drink.

"Oi, Shut it. If your lazy ass would sleep instead of staying up all night doing god knows what, maybe you wouldn't be so tired all the damn time. And could actually study." Katsuki said with furrowed brows.

"Ay, it's not my fault your tutoring is boring as hell!" You snapped back

"Guys, guys. Please, let's keep the peaceful atmosphere!" Eijiro interrupted with his signature toothy grin as he stood between the two of you.

"I will hold my grudge against you since I didn't get my beauty sleep last night." You glared and crossed your arms.

"Your beauty sleep consists throughout the night and into the afternoon." Katsuki retorted.

The two of you argued while Eijiro desperately tried to calm both of you down throughout the morning.
The sun began to rise. And the clouds finished up the skies beautiful freehanded painting while the sound of the city waking up completing the morning.
It was a nice break from UA's daily classes. The students get to freely go off-campus or see family in this free time.
You felt relieved, having all this time to do whatever, so you were going to enjoy the time you had.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now