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A thin misty spear shot threw the shoulder of the villain making him growl in pain as he released the tar that restricted the group, including you.

Your body collided with the cold floor. It was a flash of white then nothing but the black void that engulfed you.

Katsuki had noticed your body, now unconscious, too close to the villain for his liking. The raging blonde blasted forward, kicking back the villain with his boot crashing onto the villains chest.

"STAY AWAY FROM HIM-!!" Katsuki screamed out as if his own life was at the largest risk.

Buck quickly stood up, dashing towards you with his quick speed. He slid down on his knees scooping you up before dashing off and under a forming tar hand. His large antlers rammed threw the black muck making it slush back down into a thick puddle.

"I ALREADY CALLED THE HEROS! THEY'RE ON THE WAY. GIVE UP NOW!!" Warren hovered above the villain with his arms stretched out as he controlled the mist to keep him afloat and the villain grounded.

"You're all so difficult." The villain shot up giant tar spikes from the puddles. One grazed Warrens leg causing him to lose all focus and release the villain.

"Shit-!" Thea attempted to stop the villain with waves of vines but the tar practically killed the green life instantly with its deadly touch.

He took off to the rooftops, Omar, Warren, and Thomas quickly chased after him leaving Thea, Katsuki, Buck, and your unconscious body in the cold alleyway.

Police sirens echoed throughout the night as cars zoomed past the group when a few stopped along with a few ambulances arriving to the scene.

Everything felt like it was slow yet so fast. Katsuki was just outside being asked questions a mile per minute then he blinked and was now in the back of an ambulance with your body secured onto a stretcher.

He looked down to see his hand holding yours, he couldn't bring himself to say anything. It felt like he was going to wake up from a horrible nightmare but it never happened.

Once at the hospital Katsuki was placed in a neighboring room just next to yours. He sat on the hospital bed with his fingers clawing into his knees. His whole life felt like it was crashing around him yet he was safe in the dim quiet room.

He kept his gaze down on to his hands, realizing he was shaking...


He began to cry

At first it was hushed sniffles but quickly became shuttering sobs.

His palms, arms, and hospital gown became soaked with the constant tears whilst his breathing became fast and uncontrollable.

He sat there trying his hardest to keep calm as best he could to his ability but nothing seemed to work. His shaking and choked cries seemed to never end until he felt a familiar hand rest on his tense shoulder.

"Shhh Katsuki, we're okay now" you spoke as you made your way to sit beside him.

With no second thought Katsuki wrapped you in his arms, he didn't want even an inch of space between the two of you.

"Fu- Fuck..I. Damnit you idiot.."

"I'm sorry.."


You looked at him surprised, your mouth opened to speak but was quickly interrupted.

"Don't you dare apologize. Dumbass."

You wanted to say you're sorry but it was caught in your throat. All of your words were in fact. Even before you could bring yourself to say anything your lips felt a warm embrace as Katsuki's lips crashed into yours with a desired grasp around your body.

The two of you held each other close, hands gliding around the other's frame with desperation. The world was so quiet around the two of you as the dark room kept you warm along with the heat of each other's yearning bodies.

"I want nothing else but you right now." Katsuki panted, breathless from the kiss.

"Then take me, I want you just as much.." you looked at him with caring eyes, grabbing his hand and leaning close. With your free hand you wiped away a few tears from his red cheeks that contrasted from his pale skin.

"Tell me if it's too much." Katsuki pressed his forehead against yours, looking deeper into your gaze, with quick glances to your lips.

"I will.." another kiss was followed as Katsuki shifted his weight around you so he was now in front of you. He wrapped his arms around you, guiding your body down slowly onto the hospital bed just beneath you.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now