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"WOOOOOOOO!! See Katsuki!? Isn't the view beautiful?!!" You shouted with your wings stretched out far across the sky.

Katsuki held onto you as best he could until he relaxed and watched the city fly under him. His eyes widened and a smile began to grow on his face. You felt your stomach flutter as you heard him.

He was laughing...

Genuine laughter.

He had let go of all of his worries and held out his arms as if he were flying. You both flew together in the sky that had the familiar sun rising above the water. He shouted out as loud as he could and you joined him.

Both of you screamed your hearts out, not caring who heard you or who you woke up. It didn't matter anyways sense you were so high above the clouds now. It felt like a whole different world when you were up there.

You began gently gliding across the clouds, before looking down at Katsuki with a smile and warm eyes. He smiled back, tears threatened to fall down his cheeks as he looked up at you. "Whoa...you alright there?" You questioned as you slowed your flying.

"I've never felt this way before, this is so new to me...god I'm sorry." He wiped away the tears, "you don't need to apologize! It's totally ok to cry!!" You laughed and tightened your grip around him, reassuringly.

It had clicked in your head. Katsuki had never felt anything like this due to everything that had happened within his life. The villains...his mom...back in middle school with the sludge villain..he was probably so scared to let his guard down. But up here he felt like nothing could touch or hurt him, or hurt you. He felt free, just how you felt the first time flying.

"Thank you..." he mumbled as you looked out at the sunrise, "of course." You responded.

It was then comfortable silence as you both watched the sunrise. Flying closer to it as if you could grab it. You tucked your wing under you and dived down, gently, to land atop a building near by.

Once on solid ground you let Katsuki go. You stretched out your wings, "that was amazing..we should do-"

Arms wrapped around your neck as you were pulled into a hug. Katsuki held you close, he choked back a sob. You hugged back and engulfed the two of you with your wings. Patting and rubbing his back as you calmed him, "it's alright, it's ok to cry. I'm here...let it all out Katsuki...I'm here" You promised to keep this moment locked away for only you and him to have. He cried into your neck for a few moments until he calmed.

"Nothing can hurt you anymore. Remember? We're going to be the best heros to ever live." You smiled as you looked into his eyes, your foreheads pressed together. He nodded and laughed, sniffling and wiping away at his tears.

For a few moments longer you both watched the sunrise. Your wing tucked around Katsuki loosely.

"I needed this..we both did." Katsuki spoke, and you replied with a nod. You looked down at your hand that rested inches away from the blondes. You swallowed your fear and slowly glided your finger tips across his hand before resting your palm fully on his hand. He moved his hand and grabbed yours, intertwining his fingers around yours.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now