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It felt like the trees sang once I went back to the top of the world. They sang welcoming back my return.

"Idiot don't move around so much, you're still recovering." Katsuki's brows furrowed towards you while his body leaned against the tree.

"You'll live." You smirked back at him, then continued to face the sunrise. You soaked in the warmth of the morning with your wings out and free for the sun to praise on each individual feather.

"Why do you always use your wings? You can have any other type of them; so why those ones?" Katsuki questioned.

"Well, I guess it's because I've just grown attached. When I first developed my quirk I immediately manifested them from my body. I just couldn't help but keep them around."

All those years back, the very first time you had developed your quirk was something beautiful. Your parents had called the whole neighborhood in to see the small child fly around the room giggling. Now you stand tall and grown, along with your wings, looking out on the horizon with the one blonde boy you couldn't stand without.

"I know it's such a cheesy thing to say but...remember all the things we did back then? All the promises and ideas we came up with. Do you still believe in those?" You faced back towards Katsuki who had been watching you with curious eyes, "because I still do."

He looked down at his shoes then back up to your lips then eyes, "yes." he thought "everyday I think about you, those dreams and everything we did as kids. What? You think I'd just drop everything or something?"

"No that's not it, I'm just so....questioning with you. Not in a bad way of course!" you laughed "I wonder so much about you, call me a weirdo if you want." looking back out to the buildings that reached for the clouds, you stared and thought to yourself for a moment. "I guess I never thought I'd ever see this side of you, a side that no one gets to see besides me...it's nice." You shrugged and smiled back at him.

He looked down once more then smiled back up at you. Pushing himself off the tree with his arm and walked up beside you, watching the sunrise which informed the world a new day had begun.

"Sense our break is ending and we'll have to go back to classes, we should really enjoy the last few days we got." You suggested, Katsuki agreed.

Before the two of you took off, Katsuki began to pack up. You couldn't help but think back on that strange villain from before, his quirk, strength, and ominous voice that discussed his plans in hushed whispers. Ever sense that attack you did feel a sort of emptiness, which that void within you wasn't soothed with the upcoming news of the villain still being on the run and our roaming the dark alleys.

The feeling of fear set in but you brushed it down ff quickly as Katsuki signaled he was ready. You shifted into a dragon, assisting Katsuki onto your back before flying up into the sky's away from the uneasy feeling that rested deep down within your core.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now