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You slowly got up, holding your side to ease the pain as you stood straight.

"Bakugo...!" You shouted.

Katsuki quickly looked up to the sound of your voice, his eyes seemingly shined as he saw you. With no hesitation or care to whatever Izuku was telling him he broke free from Izukus grasp and took off towards you, ignoring all the pain burning in his chest.

Katsuki knelt down and gently sat beside you
"Idiot. Are you hurt?"
"I'm good"
"You're lying."
"...your right.."
You both sat in comfortable silence before you spoke up again
"We always get ourselves into these messes.." you sighed, "and yet every time we end up fine or as fine as we can be"
Katsuki nodded, his gaze to the ground.

You both talked with one another, thankful that the two of you were together, Katsuki's biggest fear wasn't being a bad hero or of the dark, but losing you. Losing you would be losing the world to him, although he'd never admit it. You've always been there even when Izuku and Katsuki became distant. You still stood by him, and he couldn't ask for everyone else to be his by his side.

Izuku came rushing over a bit frustrated.
"Kacchan you seriously need to go easy on yourself. Who knows what injuries you have."
Katsuki's scoffed "shut it I feel fine."
That was a lie, you thought.
Katsuki brushed away Izuku and his attempts to give him any medical attention so Izuku offered to you, and you allowed him.

Katsuki practically blew up as he started shouting saying he now needed to be the one to check up on you. You laughed at the blonde as he snatched the rag from Izuku and began wiping away the dirt that was on your face.
Not long after an ambulance along with a few more came to the scene assisting any injured citizens and heros.

You woke up to the sun warming your skin and the quiet beeping of the mechanisms that filled the room to check up and make sure everything was running smoothly.

"I'm in the hospital..." you said aloud "I'm not surprised, I think I broke a few ribs."
You lifted the hospital gown, looking at the bandages that wrapped around your body from your chest down to your stomach.

You glanced over at the small table next to your bed and saw your phone alongside a note next to it. Picking it up you guided your fingers to gently open it and began to read.

Only seeing the first word you immediately knew who had wrote it, Katsuki, his hand writing was like a sixth sense to you. Just being able to see one word you'd already know it was from him. No signature needed.

You read the note as follows
(Name) You got fucked up enough to end up in the hospital, same with me though. Not a surprise..but for you to end up here? That's new.

You laughed aloud, "same Bakugo..." placing the note back down you began to go through your phone, checking all notifications, and emails. Afterwards you laid back and turned on the TV to entertain yourself.

The attack last night had been handled thankfully, and everyone was now safe and being taken care of which was also a relief. Later that night your class had barged into the room unexpectedly with gifts, get better soon balloons, and silly cards. You all reassured them that it wasn't as bad as they had presumed. Even Katsuki was there watching over you as you talked with your classmates.

"I'll tell you everything soon, (Name).."

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐗 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now